Tuesday, August 29, 2006

few pictures

Thought I'd post a couple pictures. Other than the football shots I havn't taken many yet but I went to the ocean for an hour before the game last saturday and took just a few.....well I needed to save room for football shots of course. Only 475 football shots so I could have taken a few more pictures at the ocean.

  • Football slide show
  • what to say ??

    Well its been a tough haul but I made it. I'm now staying with some friends renting a room from them. A very nice couple, he is a newspaper photographer that I talked to on the sidelines of games last year. Their son Patrick used to work at Atlas Truss with me. I'm going back there to work next week. I ran into the boss at the football game and asked if he was looking for an experienced sawyer. He said honestly they didn't need one but because it was me he would let me come in on midnights and train on the new 350 thousand dollar saw. I said that would be ok with me. Then after the game the owner asked if I was comming back to work for him. I told him I talked to Marty and start next week on nights. He said great, do me a favour and straighten out thos kids on that shift. I've been looking for storage for my stuff and the owner told me to go see the coach tonight and see if there is room at the Raider complex and if not he had another spot. Its a place hes trying to lease out so hed like it empty but he said hed allow me for a while.

    It was a great game Sat. afternoon. Way better than the Ti Cat game from what I heard. A couple players from Saskatchewan made sure to come over and tell me the score. The game finished 18 - 14 for the Raiders. If you count the 3 dropped passes in the endzone where we came away with nothin and the punt return called back on a penaltay as well as the fumble recovery for a TD that was called back because the ref forgot to blow his whistle it was a different game alltogether. There were alot of bad calls on both teams I'm sure but we had double. We were set up on the 25 yard line to kick a field goal for the tie with 9 seconds left in the game when the visiting team called their 3rd time out. Only problem is you only get 2 time outs in a half. We got a first down 10 yards closer and decided to go for it. A nice little slant in over the goal line for a TD. 3 seconds left on the clock so we just kicked it to the big guys instead of the returners to run out the clock. 2 weeks from now we go there to play them. Our team goes Sat. and stays the night and then we play at 1pm sunday and come home. Well I'm off the the Raiders office to do some updating.

    Friday, August 25, 2006

    Thinking of you dad !!

    Well it was kind of an emotional day for me today. I woke up thinking about how dad's ashes were being burried and I wouldn't be there. Then at about 10:50 am (1:50pm Ontario time) someone asked me about dad. It was someone from Atlas who works in the office and hadn't heard. I had been keeping an eye on the time because I wanted to have a moments silence for dad. I finaly got to around 11:15am. I thought about dad alot on my trip out here. It's wierd when you devote a couple months to be with someone and help them however you can. After their gone a part of you is gone because you get used to a routine. You get used to looking after them as part of your every day routine. Get up check on dad, drink a can of coke check on dad, everything centererd around dad and there wasn't any other way I would have wanted it. I think back over the last year at things that have happened and they happened for one reason. If Barb and I hadn't broke up I wouldn't have been able to go to Ontario for as long as I did. If I still had Nikko I wouldn't have been able to be there like I was. I do regret a bit that, I left Ontario to go back out west but I honestly thought dad was doing better without his chemo and I had stuff I had to take care of out there. If I did it over I would have flown and only been gone 2 weeks. I noticed a huge difference in dad when I got back. But before I left I got to spend some quality time with dad and that I will allways cherish. The time I spent with dad the last 2 months was just as special. There was a bond between us and dad had to have alot of trust in me. Although it was a hard time for both of us (all of us really) I tried to let dad know how much we loved and appreciated his love.

    So dad if your up there in heaven and someone is reading this to you because I know you didn't care for the internet and our blogs I just want you to know that I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I'm glad I could be there for you when you needed me the most. I hope you have met up with mom and all your friends that are up there too. Take care and I'll see you again one day.

    Whats his name !!

    Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    Hello from B.C.

    Hello everyone. Just updating you on my status. Last night at about 9pm I was 200kms from Vancouver. I had just reached a rest stop where I knew I could park for the night so I did. I had been on the road since 6am and I knew it would be too late to stop and see my friend Jodi and also too late to catch a ferry to the island. So I parked my car and had a few naps. I don't sleep well in the car but I have 2 hour naps where I wake up with a cramp and need to stretch out and switch posistions.

    Last night a couple hours before I stopped for the night I was making a huge climb in the car and it was was grunting along. I was keeping an eye on the heat gage because it was running very hot. I looked down at the speedometer and it said I was doing 60km but there was no way I was going that fast. All of a sudden the motor stopped. I got it over to the shoulder and put it in park. I tried to start it again but no go. I got out oppened the hood and looked everything over. The oil was good, the water level in the over flow was good nothing was obvious. I sat with my head in my hands wondering what I was going to do. I had my cell phone out and had a signal. My wallet was on the dash with my BCAA card in it. It had been over a half an hour so I decided to give it another try and it started. I had a listen for a couple minutes and then shut it off. I decided to go for a short walk and and 15 minutes later I decided to give it another try. The car started and off I went. I stayed close to the shoulder in case I needed it and after I made the long climb I did it. I told my car I loved it. I even told it I would buy it an upper tie rod when I got to the island. The car ran great today.

    Well I'm staying at Jodi's tonight and will go to the island tomorrow. Will update when I can

    Monday, August 21, 2006


    Hey all
    I'm in Brandon Manitoba and its 9:40 local time. Stopped at a truckstop for gas and a shower and they had free internet. So heres a quick post before I get on the road again. Hope to be close to Banff tonight which would be great but maybe pushing it. Will post again when ever I get a chance.

    Saturday, August 19, 2006

    I won one !!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

    Well last night instead of being a good boy and finishing up my packing I went over to Owen's to take another shot of winning a pot in Texas Hold'em. There was Mike, Dan, Sam, and Owen. Well it took a couple trys but I finaly beat Mike in head to head to take my first ever pot. I think I was so happy I was the first one out in all the rest of the games. I must say they were the best cards I have ever gotten. So it wasn't all just my skills.

    Got in around 2am so a little slow this morning. Trailer is packed just have to do the computer and camera. I think I'll swing by the Muskoka Gowers because I'm getting such a late start. I think Karl is pissed at me. I phoned the other night and left a msg but he never got back to me. Want to clear what ever it is up before I leave. Plus I'll watch the Ti Cat game with him tonight. See which team shows up. I don't understand that team. Argos are hurting and we do nothing about it.

    I may post again before for I get out there but you never know. I don't plan stops ahead and the rest stations in Sask. don't have computers or internet. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and what not. Will see you all at Christmas

    Friday, August 18, 2006

    Everyone Loves MarineLand !!!

    Well as you can tell by the title someone went to MarineLand yesterday. And yes I do Love Marineland !! I didn't even do any of the rides but I like the fact that you can not just look at the animaks you can interact with them. I even payed the extra 8 bucks to touch a sperm ummmmm I mean Baluga Whale LOL. Plus you get to toss a couple fish down its throat. Annette went with me and I even convinced her to pet the Baluga Whale. We didn't even do one single ride but I had a great time there. I got spit on by an elk, slimed by a buffalos toungue, and I accidently put my finger in the whales blow hole. Was told your not supposed to do that. Also there was a bigger Baluga hanging around the one I was petting and feeding so I touched his head and was told I wasn't supposed to do that either. He was not supposed to be in that area but he wouldn't leave so he just kept trying to get some fish. Well as usual I got a few pictures so I have to go through them and decide which ones to post. I'll probably try blogger but if it doesn't work I'll use flickr to upload my photos. I asked Annette to guess how many pictures I took yesterday and she said 200. She was pretty close because at that time I had only taken 546. So it may be a while before I decide on which ones to post LOL. Thanks for going with me Annette and for bringing the lunch and snacks !!!

    Try this link and let me know if it works

  • Click here
  • Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    Doc says I'm AOK

    Well Monday I had to go to mac to get checked out after the spell I had at the funeral home. I was a wee bit nervous as I knew that if for any reason I passed the tests they would take my licence off me. Not for ever but for a couple months till they find whats wrong and fix it. Well I go in and fill out a couple forms then the Dr calls me in. We sit down and he asks me a ton of questions. Then he gets me on the table and does my blood pressure, listens to my heart, and checks my lungs. Then he gets out the vasoline and rubber gloves and I run out of the room screaming. Actually he tells me to sit back in the chair. He goes over the paperwork from emergency and then says that hes not going to do any tests. Hes satisfied with what hes heard/seen and read. He told me that when I get back to Nanaimo to see my Dr about my potasium level. He thinks the pills I take for blood pressure my be bringing it down so I might need different pills or potasium pills as well. For now I'll eat more bananas than I'm used to till I get back out west.

    For those that havn't heard I'm leaving here Saturday morning if all is ready and heading right out on my way. Heading west into the sunset. I'm going to go to Marineland thursday with Terry and Annette. Might be a post Friday but I need to take the modem back so will be off the internet.

    While I think of it... Mike do you have my Sopranos dvd's ???

    The guy that has my stuff stored in his garage contacted me and I told him I should be there before the 26 and will remove my stuff as soon as I can. As soon as I get out west I'll post and let everyone know how I'm doing.

    Sunday, August 13, 2006

    Tara Gone Wild !!!

    Well the cats played the Argos last night and the Jr cats that can't play showed up. Maas threw 2 balls downfield late in the 4th quarter and both were picked off. The Cats had better field position all of the first half but couldn't get any points. The Argos gave them the 3 and 4 yard dump passes that the cats seem to like but can't do anything with. I get so ticked off I don't even bother taking pictures. At halftime I called Tara to see where they were and meet up with them. I went back to their seats as they had room beside them. This post should be called Sam Gone Wild !!! Tara's wild is way milder than Sam's. I had to wonder what Karl and Trudy were thinking letting her go down to the big city to hang out with Sam LOL. Todd was well behaved for the most part but he did start to try and get Tara going after the game. Tara is one of those good fans that even tho your team is losing bad you still cheer and say positive things. The rest of us are booing and yelling you suck and Tara is saying there is still 2 minutes you can do it !! As the game clock wound down Tara talked us into going over to the Cats dugout. Fans there were just as bad there telling off the Cats and there is Tara with her big white smile hooting and hollering for the cats. She got a couple smiles back and a thumbs up for being a good sport. After the game was over and they are all running of the field I managed to call Eakin over for a quick picture with Tara. He said we need more fans like her. I gotta be honest the cats don't deserve fans like her. They sucked. Tara over heard someone talking to security trying to get in touch with a football player. He told them to go over to the cats dressing room and some of them will come out and sign autographs. Guess where we were headed with Tara in the lead. Now Tara had a mission on her mind. She wanted to see just how cute #8 K. Peterson is and nothing was going to stop her. There wasn't too many fans waiting outside the doors but Tara worked her way to the door. Everytime it opened she would yell in "send out #8 !!". Well we did manage a few photo ops but it seems that #8 slipped out the back door with most of the other players. I even managed to get a photo of Aidoo's brother who used to work with Mike Dauphinee but is now playing in the Europe NFL for Milan.

    Argo game 217b
    Argo game 221b
    Behind the Dugout
    Argo game 228b
    #12 Eakin
    Argo game 229b
    ??? First player out
    Argo game 230b
    # 30 Boreham
    Argo game 233b
    #82 DJ Flick
    Argo game 236b
    Argo game 238b
    #33 Radlein
    Argo game 239b
    #20 A. Justin
    Argo game 240b

    Argo game 244b

    Argo game 247b

    Friday, August 11, 2006

    Relaxing in Muskoka

    Just doing a post about hanging out with my bro and the family. Did a bit of golfing, went to see the wolves with Mandy, Emily, and Jordan, watched American Dad DVD with Jodi, and went out to Geoffs and Krissy's cottage for a bbq. The kids did alot of swimming and jumping off the dock. It's a great spot on a very quiet lake. I'll posts some pictures later if blogger will let me. I'm uploading my pictures to Karl's computer so check out Karl's blog because he most post some.

    Sunday, August 06, 2006

    I Love My Dad

    Em's BD 052c

    I know that most of you know that on Aug 2nd my father passed away at home. I had wanted to make a post because I have internet friends that as far as I know they still read this. The time hasn't been easy for me and I've tried to stay strong for my family. Well at the funeral home Saturday the day of the funeral it was all too much for me. I had a bit of a meltdown. I was able to make it over to a chair and sit down but I was having trouble breathing. my whole body was numb and I felt paralized. My family was there helping me getting me water and a cold cloth for my head and when I oppened my eyes I saw Alf in front of me. I knew I was going to be ok then.

    The ambulance showed up and took me out and Karl was there with me. I tried to let everyone know I was going to be ok and it did ease off a bit in the ambulance. Then I looked outside and saw everyone standing around watching and waiting so I told the ambulance to take me somewhere. I wanted the funeral to go on. Karl came with me and was with me for quite awhile then I heard they were holding the funeral so I told him to go and let them get it done.

    They did a bunch of tests, took some xrays and then redid some tests later. For now I'm on Adavan which I was hoping was going to make me high and forget everything but its a downer and it slows everything down. Mandy sat with me for quite awhile and even got me some diet coke. As much as I wanted it I could only drink a small amount. Then all my nephews and neices appeard and the Drs thought they better release me. I ended up going home and relaxing on the couch till about 5pm today.

    Just so everyone knows the truth I did NOT go 3 days without eating. I did not eat breakfast but I hadn't been eating that for weeks. The day before the funeral I actualy pigged out pretty well. 3 or 4 slices of pizza and 2 plates of potatoes, carrots, roastbeef and gravy.

    On a funny note when I got dressed that morning I thought my pants were a bit more snug than they should be. At the hospital I needed to take a pee and when I undid my pants I was thinking ,,, I didn't wear grey underwear today. I had put my pants on over my sweat shorts which I put on after my shower. So with the blue gown I was still good in my shorts.

    Thanks to everyone who has called and asked about me, I'm feeling much better now. It could be the drugs talking tho LOL Heading back to the couch and going to think about how I can thank the Ti Cats for the flowers they sent.

    Take care all, see you soon after 3 days in Muskoka lounging on the beach and going to see the wolves.

    Em's BD 049c