New Post
Well I did a post earlier today but when I tried to go into spell check I lost my whole post so I'm not going to repeat it. Since nothing was new I was making a post about a blind date last Tuesday. She was a biker chick, not bad looking but there was no connection and it was mutual.
This post I just wanted to see if anyone was going to Gage Park on Saturday. There is a free concert and April Wine is one of the acts. They are not even the closing act so I'm assuming that the 2 following bands are pretty good. Looks like the band following them has the lead singer from Tea Party and the last band has the former front man from Big Wreck. For more info go here ... I'll probably be down there for April Wine. I know Tara is talking about comming down so here is something you might want to do.
Comming up soon is the Festival of Friends. Vince Neal from Motley Crew has his band there Saturday Night For the full lineup go here
For anyone interested the V.I. Raiders kicked some ass last night beating the South Surrey Rams (Last years division champions) 57 - 6. I listened to it on the internet broadcast. Next Saturday they are in Chilliwack which should be another good game. Thank God for the Raiders because the way the Ti Cats are playing it might turn me off of football.