Rainy Days
Well I havn't had much to post about lately because I havn't gone anywhere or done anything. I've been pretty much a homebody. Last Sat. after some miscomunications I drove down to the beach and took a walk along Lake Ontario. Mike rode his bike down there and we went to a burger joint in Confederation park for lunch. Then I walked back to the car and Mike was deciding where to go for his ride and started of on his journey. I went to visit Dave and Jen DeVier in Stoney Creek. Dave had been out earlier on a bike ride and we talked about getting together for a ride. I like talking to Dave and Jen because they went through what I'm going through last year. Bunny DeVier (my second mom as a kid) passed away July 9 2005 from the same desease that has my father. It's that damn cancer. There was a time where you would hear about someone having cancer and you knew nothing about it other than what you had heard somewhere. Now adays no matter who you talk to they have a close friend or family member going through or have already gone through the wrath of this desease. You never realize the full effect untill someone you love gets it. And in talking to them (friends)you learn what is going to happen and how you can help if you can help at all. Everyone deals with it differently and the family suffers along with the victim. Stress levels are high and so are emotions. You have good days and bad days but you try and hide the bad days because you don't want your loved one to feel your pain. They are going through enough. This is a time when family should pull together. I kind of lost my train of thought because Jean just called me upstairs. Dad said he didn't feel right or he felt kind of funny. When I walked in the room he said to Jean why did you have to get Kevin ? She said because if he needed to sit up or something. I told dad that that's what I'm there for and no matter what it is he can call me. He told me it's ok and reached out and took my hand. I leaned down and kissed him and told him I loved him and tried to hide my tears. He told me that he loved me and that I am a great help to him and Jean.
I'm not sure where this post came other than from the heart. When I sat down here to write this I was just going to tell you about the weekend and then talk about doing up the venison steaks (thanks John)on the bbq last night after the rain. Then I was going to post some pictures I took after the rain in the backyard of some wet flowers. Guess I can still do that.

That was a nice post Kevin. You deserve all the credit in the world for being there for Dad. You need help as well though with the lifting which Jean and the girls can't do. Thats all I will say about that. Take Care and try and make time for yourself.
Kevin, you have definatly been a God send to your family. I know what you are going through with Owen's mom passing away from cancer in 2000. My heart goes out to all of you.
hey kev
you are amazing...all that you are doing... karl has filled me in on a lot of it. it's one of the toughest struggles, like you said, for everyone involved...but especially for you and jean. i know we are very thankful for you and jean. it takes special people and you are one of them
love ya
Hi Kevin,, you don't know me but I am Joanne's daughter Nina. I got your blog from Sam. I just want you to know that I am really sorry to hear about your dad, since I lost my mom in Dec I have been doing a lot of thinking about uncle Gord and Jean. They helped my mom out a lot when she was here, and I know she really appreciated it.
My mom was delt a crappy hand in life and they went out of there way to help her when she thought no one cared. Even though I don't know them that well I want you to know that I think they are really good people, and my thoughts are with you.
Nina Lee (Gower)
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