Three of Three

Well I have to say it was a blast last night. I got there after the football game and headed straight for the food table to take care of that hunger situation. Everyone and I mean everyone looked like they were having a great time. I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves. Karl and Trudy were missed but if this is any indication how the wedding reception will be they will have a blast with the rest of the people. Sorry if your picture is not in here because I tried to get everyone but with a crowded room many shots were lost with people walking in front or me getting bumped and the picture being blurry. If you hung out with Sam you are probably in the picture somewhere. Enjoy !!!

OMG, I can't wait!!!!
Blog whore
I found out why I got so drunk. I thought it was because the bartender was pouring me doubles all night. It turns out that every drink was a shot and a what I thought were doubles turns out to be triples. God those drinks were good but I got loaded. Everyone had a good time though
Haha cant wait to see all the pics you got! what a night!! We had such a great time... a little too much fun maybe!...
Great pictures, except the real close up of me. That's one of the ones you took while standing right next to me. Yes we all had a great time.
Looks like everyone had a good time. Love to see all the pics of the kids all having fun together. was that Mike Keanon i saw?
Great Pics Uncle Kev!!! I will have to get some copys made! we had So much Fun!
awesome pics kev....glad you were fed right away so you didn't faint! looks like the party was definitely happenin there.
congrats dan and cherie and all those who worked to make it sooo much fun!
yes it was Mike Keenan and his ex Sherry in the back ground of one of the pictures. He called us Saturday morning to say he heard about the stag and doe. He told us he wouldn't miss it for the world. So there they were.
Thanks Laur
thought so
was he behaved?
Behaved! I guess that depends on who you were talking to and who he was hugging. His hugs can get real tight. Overall, he wasn't too bad. It was nice to see him considering it was the first time since our 25th. (3 years ago)
I just noticed how many pictures Todd was in. I thought for sure Sam was in every picture.
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