Happy Fathers Day Dad

I was up late last night and was going to do this post but it was tough and emotional so I decided to leave it and go to bed. This morning I got up and thought I would try again. It still isn't any easier. I read Karl's blog this morning and he pretty much said all that can be said. You just have to look at how the 5 of us turned out and know it is because of the love he showed us and the love we have for him. Driving across Canada again, on my way back here I found a country cd of Conway Twitty songs in a box with other cd's. There is a song on there and I think its called "Thats my job". I know the song because I've heard it many times but this time I actually started crying while listening to it and driving down the hwy. I thought that the song couldn't sum it up any more for me and dad. Well I hope the weather holds out and we can spend a nice afternoon together in the back yard with dad.
glad my bro dont mind me stea........ erm borrowing the pics ;) - tyyyyyyyy for dropping in on my website - that made my day - hugssssssssssssssssssssssss and big bro? i always read your blog - no matter what.....
Hey Kev : I really enjoy reading your blog.Mandy doesn't quite convey whats happening the way you do.Keep up the good work.Conway's song is really cool,but if you get the chance listen to either Bett Midler or Gary something or others song,Then Wind Beneath My Wings,another cool song.Know my thoughts are with the 5 of you.D
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