weekend was a bust
Well as you can tell by the header the weekend didn't go as planned. I did not get to see the UFC fight as I was hoping because the player who was going to have the fight on pay per view had to be elsewhere that day. I did go see a lacross game and after talking to one of the owners I'm going to help them out with their web site.
Sunday was a bust as well because the only person I knew that was supposed to go over had to go to a wedding instead. It would have been fun but for just me to go in my car it would have cost me well over 100 bucks. I have plans for that money this week.
By the looks of Mike's blog they had a fun time in Muskoka at the guys weekend. Reading about the bugs brings back many memories and I gotta say I don't miss that at all LOL. They probably missed my money at the poker because I was allways good for playing and leaving my cash behind. Well it won't be long till I'm back at it but don't expect me to lose all the time. I have come in second a few times so I can get lucky once in awhile.
I did take a drive Sunday to Mt Provost. You can see this mountain from Paul's yard. At one time you had to have a 4x4 to get up there or had a long walk. It wasn't easy but I made it up there in my car. It was a hazy day so the pictures are not as clear as I'd like but here they are.

Nice pics Kev. You kind of left me wondering what you had planned for the week with the $100 you saved. Or will I read that on your next blog entry?
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