Happy Birthday Tara and Tyler !!!!
Happy Birthday Tara and Tyler !!!
I was going to put this on last night before I went to bed but I fell asleep watching a movie and when I got up to go to bed the computer was off. I'm sorry I can't put any pictures up because I'm not using my computer. All the old embarrasing photos are on my computer and I've tried to go online with it but the modem recognizes it's a different computer and wants a password.
Well I hope you both have a great day and don't get too drunk. I'll see you sometime in June. I will try to call later but I'm off to get ready to go to Nanaimo. I've only gone once this week. I installed a trailer hitch on my car yesterday. I will bring a couple things back in it to give me room in the car but I want to try and use it to go camping a couple times when I get back. A makeshift tent on wheels.
I hope to go to Vancouver tomorrow to see the lion's scrimmage. The bus is way cheaper than taking my car but I'd have to stay overnight. If I can get a ride back to the ferry Sunday evening then I will go. I'm also hoping to see the UFC fight tonight on pay per view. A couple of the football players will have it and have invited me. Weather doesn't look too good but they were calling for some sun.
Have a good weekend all !!
Thank you Uncle Kevin!! too bad you couldnt be here with us, but it was nice to hear from you!! Cant wait until you are back! See you then...Love ya.
Glad to hear that you are coming back Kevin. Looking forward to seeing you again. You're missing the guys weekend at Karl's. Dan, Owen, Wayne, Jeff, Sam, Mike, Todd, Brad (Cherie's brother) have all gone to Karl's for golf and poker. The women stayed here for LOTS of shopping and the bridal shower. Good way to spend my anniversay weekend---away from my husband LOL
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