Hello from Paul and Dimple's
I got off the ferry at 2:45pm and drove straight to the Raiders complex. They were on the field practising so I took out my camera and started taking pictures. Many that I knew from last year came over to greet me when they saw me. The owner of the team was up in a sky lift and called down "welcome back Kevin it's good to see you" It felt good to be back. My friend Jake was there so I walked over to see him. He is doing fantastic. He walks with crutches and is able to drive so he is getting his truck back on the road soon. He has still not put on most of the weight he had lost while in hospital.
I hung around for a while after practise to chat then drove into Nanaimo and went to see my old boss Cam. He was shocked but glad to see me. We hung out for a while then I went for another drive. I went to see a guy named bob that I worked with at Atlas but he has probably moved to Victoria because Cam told me he got accepted into the Victoria Police Dept. I knew he had been trying ever since I had met him. He lived about 5 doors down from me in the townhouses. I went out to Neck point for a walk and where I used to go to just sit and think. It's where I took the picture at the top of my blog. Next I went to the downtown to walk along the pier. In less than an hour I saw 2 seals, 8 sea otters which I had never seen yet in the wild and 1 eagle that hung around hoping the fishermen would offer it food.
Sunday I hung out all day at the Raider complex and Redmen field where the Raiders had a scrimmage. I got to see Lorne Plante before he heads off to the B.C. Lions mini camp. If he does well he goes to main camp and if he doesn't quite cut it he comes back to the Raiders for his last year. I hope he does well but I'm pretty sure B.C. picked up some vet linemen from Ottawa.
Sunday evening I went to Paul's house who wasn't home at the time so I spent time chatting with aunt Glad. Shortly after Paul got home from his bike ride and we went over to see Lainy and Dimples at swim practise. Then it was home and watch survivor final which sucked because Terry should have won. I'll be setting up my computer soon and will be able to start posting pictures. Apparently Mike D. thinks this normal daily stuff is crap especialy without pictures. He didn't say that about my site so don't jump all over him. He was just talking about it on his site. I like what I have seen so far on your site Mike. It's a good thing Karl deleted his site because it wasn't half as good as yours. Ok I'm off to Nanaimo soon so thats all for now.
Thanks Kev!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound. I would never call your blog boring. It inspired me to start one. BTW, Muskokaman's blog is up and running again. Check it out.
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