Not sure why but this morning I wanted to hear some Valdy. I looked up his web site and was looking it over and decided to see if he was touring. For those interested he will be in GRAVENHURST OPERA HOUSE Saturday August 12, Toronto July 6, and Barrie November 4. By the time I get to the Island he will be playing in Duncan so I hope I get to see him there. I was talking recently about how he used to close the Festival of Friends in Hamilton for a few straight years a long time ago. One thing I never knew about him was that he was on the Beachcombers !! OK reading it over again he was the lead role in one episode. I was thinking for a moment he was a cast member.

We even went to see him in the afternoon when he did a kids concert. Robert was the person that introduced me to his music. Robert listened to alot of music that I didn't know of back then and alot of it was pretty good. Long John Baldry, Marrianne Faithfull,
John Prine..."Dear Abby dear abby now who'd ever thought
that me and my girlfriend would ever get caught
we were sitting in the back seat just shooting the breeze
with her hair up in curlers and her pants to her knees
signed....just married"
Sorry that song popped in my head when I thought of his name.
I played around with my camera a bit yesturday. Havn't used it too much since I bought it. Actually trying to read part of the manual before I use the camera.
I was sitting on the bottom step of the deck leading into the yard with the tele photo lense on.

Now I made these pictures smaller before posting them because each picture was more than 4 megs. I hope to do some more shooting this weekend on a trail around here.
Now that I bored you with that I will update on dad. He doesn't seem to mind being upstairs. He has used his walker a few times but the house isn't really big enough. He uses it to go from the chair to the bathroom and back. Thats about 15 steps. More work getting around the walker to get it started then trying to park it. He seems to feel pretty good but his bottom hurts a bit. The diarea seems to have gone for now and that's what gives him the pain in the butt (not me like some of you might think). He slept well last night even tho he had slept early in the evening. He is way better than he was in the hospital. I think he was over drugged. Jean is trying one more time for that meeting with the social worker for Sat. May 6 10am because thats my last weekend. If no one wants to go tell me soon so I can tell her to forget about it. It seems like it is going to be Terry, Kim and I and I don't think it's worth it.
9:30 and I havn't heard from Dave so I think I'm done working for him. Wasn't going to work for him next week because I need to get the car ready and packed. I've been thinking that when I get out there and set up after 2 months I'll fly back for a week visit if I can afford it. I might look at trying to find a job on the side but I don't want to work weekends because of football and exploring the island. Then after another couple months or so I'll come back for another short stay over winter. Just some thoughts so don't hold me to it.
Thats all for now I need a computer break.
This comment is actually for Karl.. Hey if our buddy Valdi is playing in Gravenhurst maybe you should go and say hi for us. hehehe
Now I know that comment is from Mike refering to when they were out west and met Valdi on the beach playing his guitar by a fire as they told Rob and Owen when they got back.
I still hate both of you for that but migfht check the work schedule and if it works could be worth atrip to Gravenhurst....
If you come up I will go
HEY kev i talked to Annette tonight and she is going to arrange the day off so she can come in on the saturday.So if it is even you me her and kim possibly Mandy and anyone else that can be there for support for dad when he needs Lets do it !! Call me when you get up tomorrow if i am not at home call my cell Alice
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