continued plus
Today dad goes to the Cancer clinic and will see the Dr. I believe they are going to discuss the benefits of the chemo treatment vs the downside of the treatment. I'm thinking he will not get chemo this week. In my opinion I think they will change his treatment to every 4 or 5 weeks. I'm going to drop Jean and dad off then go and park the car. If they decide to give him the treatment then Jean may want to leave so I will go get the car for her. Or she may want to stay and since its crowded up there I will leave and they can call me when they are done. But as I said I don't see them doing it at this time.
From what I've seen and heard dad's appetite has started to pick up. He has a bit of a sweet tooth and lunch seems to be his best meal. Jean told me that after a pretty good lunch some friends came over with upside down pineapple (ewww) cake and dad had 2 pieces. Then after supper dad had another piece with some ice cream. While I was out back this morning dad was hungry so was making himself some toast and getting a coffee when I came in. I put his coffee on the table and left him alone to make his toast. Jean came in shortly after and I didn't tell her he got it on his own.
Terry and I went to Shawn's for a bit then we went down by the bay for a walk. I let Terry use my camera to take some shots and she was having fun. Then we went down by the old bridge at the bottom of Snake Road (as I know it) close to the cemetery and took some pictures of some swans. It was a nice day out and I got some sun on my neck. Good thing I wore my hat. We came back to dad's where we had dinner with Aunt Alice. It was a very long weekend.
I just played a tournament on Party Poker dot com and was doing pretty good until I went all in on 3 aces and got river'd by a flush !!! I finished 5000 and something. Mike was still in it when I left.
I hope Karl appreciates that I'm using spell check. What a pain in the ass !!!!

Kev, I was up till about 1:45 and finished 77th. My best finish yet. I'll be dragging my ass at work, but I had to come in to defend my texas hold'em trophy at lunch today, YAWN!!
Hey Kev nice pics.and thanks for not putting butt pics on.Hey when i spoke to Von she also wants your blog site i told her i would get you to call her or e mail it to her I will talk to you later Alice
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