Monday, June 05, 2006

Stuck in Banff

Hey all
I decided to stay in Banff last night and woke up at 4 am with a real bad pain in my stomach. After about an hour I decided to go to the hospital. It got worse once I got there and then went away. The Dr could feel something in my stomach so I had to go to Canmore for a CT scan. Now I'm back in Banff where I have to wait till 8pm to see the Dr to hear the results. They thought it might be a urinary track infection but that came back negative. It could be a kidney stone or ??? Hopefully I'll know more tonight. I might go see a movie as I'm bored. Can only take so many pictures of the same mountains. The mountains are great but after struggling through them with my car you get sick of them. I did alot of the rough ones the first night when it was cooler and the car wouldn't over heat. Well I'm off to wander the town. Only 150 km's from Calgary. Will try and update later this week if I can.


At Monday, June 05, 2006 4:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better Kev and the rest of the trip is easier. Still can't wait to see you!

At Tuesday, June 06, 2006 5:55:00 PM, Blogger m gower said...

Hey uncle Kev. I really hope you are feeling better. Alice was a little disappointed that she missed your call today. She missed it by a few minutes. My blog is

Hope it works.
Drive safe. Can't wait to see you.
Im gonna get you a ticket (if you want)to come and watch Jordan play before the ti cat game starts on June 30th (unless you have other plans.) We can have a BBQ in my "new" backyard.

Love Mandy


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