Today was a good day !!!
I've been watching the weather channel and today looked like it was going to be a good day. So I got up this morning, checked the weather channel again and off to Victoria I went. I didn't walk around as much as I usually do because I've had an upset stomach. I'm doing better than Paul because he has been real sick the last 3 days. It might be kidney stones. He went for blood tests today and then he has to go for more tests soon.Hes in alot of pain and I feel sorry for him.
Back to today...
I drove down to Victoria this morning and went to the inner harbour. I went to see the Seaking who I had used to go whale watching when I first got out here. They were saying that the killer whales were around but its early in the season so they were not as active and were spread out. So I caught the 1 pm tour and off we went. We chose a direction and sped out across the ocean in our Zodiac. This is a different boat than I had been in before and it was way more fun. The young skipper looked for any big wakes to fly over. There were only 8 of us and the boat holds 12 so we had lots of room. Well the following is some of the better shots I got. Because the whales were spread out it was hard to tell where they were going to surface. Also unlike the first time I went they were not breaching at all. But I didn't get any shots of that the first time I went out because my camera back then was too slow. Other passengers on the boat today had camera envy when they heard how fast my camera was.
You know when I get back to Ontario I'm going to Marineland and paying the extra just to touch the whales !!!!

those are awesome pics kev
Very nice pics Kev. I love them. All the pics show just how beautiful B.C. is. No Wonder you will go back. So beautiful and so much to do.
..and the best pot in the country.
i stole the pics from u bro - as u know they are my favorite animals besides the cats ;)
I'm guessing the camera envy tourist were not oriental. Do want to touch a dolphin?
Its called something Cove in Marineland and you can touch the whales for like 20 bucks over what it costs to get in the place. Barb and I had gone there but it was so late in the day we would have missed most of the shows so didn't bother going in.
hey, it's called friendship cove, from what i can remember there was no additional fee, you just stood in line. Me and the kids had a good time last year, but there is too much walking.
See you soon
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