Bruce Trail
Well I went for another bike ride today. Was gone for just over 3 hours. Wasn't sure where I was going but ended up on the Bruce Trail along the escarpment brow. As long as I stayed on the main trail it was a pretty easy trail. I rode till I crossed the 403 but then headed back because there were stairs. On the way back I decided to take a couple side trails. The first one took me in the wrong direction so I turned back. The second one took me in a loop that ended back at the 403, again the wrong direction. The third and last took me part way down the mountain to Chedoke Golf and Country club so I had to turn around and ride back up. I saw a steep hill heading up the side of the mountain and decided to push my bike up to the top onlt to see that it looped back down to the trail I had been on. Well I decided to stay on the trail I knew. My butt was so sore I got off and walked my bike a couple times. Mike how long is the ride around the bay ?? Not sure if my butt will take another long ride so soon. I guess I'll wait till morning to see how I feel. Here are a couple shots I took on the trail.

I've got to learn to put camera on manual focus because the deer poked his head out from behind the tree and I got a nice shot......of the tree. You don't get many chances because once I stopped the deer kept moving.
Who cares about the deer....did you get a call today?
if you rode to the clubhouse at Chedoke golf corse you would have found some stairs that have a groove up the side of them to push your bike up. At the top you would have benn at Scenic drive naear Garth street. In case you are around that area again.
Thanks Sam
I was in the parking lot but just turned around and rode back the way I had came. I had taken a couple other side trails that took me in the wrong direction and by this time I just wanted to be home on a soft couch easing my sore butt.
nice pics as usual
Come on Kevin. I was a little disappointed to not see a new blog entry this morning. You had a busy Saturday. Don't you have about 500 new photos to post??
Actually 492 and my computer is so slow it's still uploading them from the camera LOL
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