Monday, January 30, 2006

Monday Blahs

Well it's monday morning and I'm just messing around on the computer. Jean and Joan are getting ready to go out and they are going to be having lunch out. Jean must be worried about me making dad's lunch because she told him she is leaving money for me to go get us hamburgs. Not sure if its my cooking shes worried about or maybe the mess I might make in the kitchen.

In my last post I forgot to mention anything about how bad the Maple Leafs are doing. Lost their 8th game in a row. Good thing the Olympics are comming up and they can rest a while. They need to get rid of the coach and start thinking about next season. The Canucks managed to win in Colorado for the first time in 4 tries. I missed the ending because CBC lost the feed and I was going to sleep waiting for it to come back. I ended up going to bed and checking out the score in the morning.

Sunday was a very wet day here. I ended up going to pick Terry and Aunt Alice up and bringing them here for lunch. Dad and I slipped downstairs after lunch to watch RAMBO while the women chatted. It wasn't untill after 5pm I finaly drove them home. Aunt Alice was looking pretty good.

Dad seems to be feeling a bit better today. We were sitting eating breakfast this morning joking about me trying to steal the sweatshirt he was wearing. Jean made a comment about him sounding like he's feeling better and he said not too bad. He looks like he is better too. Thursday he goes for his Chemo Treatment.

Here is a picture I made this morning with a program Terry lent me.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Rainy Days

Well it's just after 8:30am and it's raining outside pretty hard. Dad's watching TV and Jean just left for church. As for me I'm just wasting time on the computer trying to come up with a new post. Dad is feeling ok this morning. He has been up and down since his chemo treatment. Upset stomach and loose bowel movements (sorry no pictures to prove it LOL) Jean has been calling the clinic and Drs trying to figure out what is causing it because they all say it's not the chemo. Yesterday dad got another prescription to add to the collection. I was out having an excellent meal at Kim and Glen's and I'm not just saying that cause they read this blog. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, yorkshire pudding, corn and 2 other veggies topped off with mint chocolate icecream. Mmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm. Anyways the prescription was delivererd and guess who it was that brought it here. Wayne and his new little companion. Wayne and Theresa got themselves a new little puppy and Wayne takes it to work with him everyday. It's cute but I forget what type it is.

For those that don't know Kris, Tara and Jodi dropped by for a visit the other night. Kris had bussiness in Guelph and they wanted to come see Papa. Kris bought us pizza for supper...thanks Kris !!! Then the four of us went to the show and saw fun with Dick and Jane. It was a good movie and time flew by. After that we went to Theresa's but she wasn't home from work yet. We talked to Sam and Wayne then Kris and Tara dropped me off at home. The girls dropped by to see Papa again before heading home. I know he enjoyed the visit but he couldn't keep up with the conversation. Thanks girls. Oh by the way Jean said I should have given you some cookies for the trip home but oh well more for me LOL.

Not sure if it's still going as planned but Aunt Alice is supposed to come for lunch. I havn't seen her since I've been back in Ontario. With the rain she might not show. I might go pick up Terry and bring her by for lunch too. Terry I've seen.

No pictures to go along with the post but I'll put up a couple pictures I've been messing with that Maison has helped me with. I've been trying to do this for a while but after talking to Maison for 2 minutes he made it so easy. Thanks !!!

VI Raiders at Okanagan 100b


Pumpkin patch 036

Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Mandy !!!!

Hey Mandy just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. Papa and Jean send their love too. Hope to see you soon. Luv Uncle Kevin

Friday, January 20, 2006

Congrats to Grandpa Bill

I'd like to take this time to congratulate Amy and Donavin on the arrival of their son Silas William Adrian King !!! He was born January 16, 2006 which also happens to be Amy's birthday. He weighed in @ 6pounds 14 ounces. Congrates to Bill and Nancy the baby's grandparents. Sorry I'm a wee bit late.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Another update on dad/papa

Dad went for his Chemo yesturday. He came home very groggy and slept all evening. The Dr. said this is the first of 3 then they will decide what to do from the results. Dad is doing very well today. He feels no pain at all and seems to be in better spirits. He had lost another 3 pounds putting him down to 200lbs. The Dr does think his appetite will get better now. he did eat half a sandwich and a big butter tart at lunch.

As far as me....I'm still feeling sick. Also my car is off the road. Insurance and plates ran out last week. I have to fax them some information and hopefully soon they will get the stuff to me in the mail. For those of you still reading thanks for careing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Sorry nothing to write about for now. I'm sick with a cold and not enjoying it. Hopefully better this weekend. Please turn out the lights when you leave.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Friday Jan 13, 2006

One thing I've allways wanted to do but never got around to doing, was going to Port Dover on Friday the 13th. Many times up north I thought of taking a day off from Alcan and driving down to see what it was about. I never did make it. Well this past Friday the 13th I decided I would do it. I drove out to Bob and Annettes on thursday and spent the night getting my ass kicked at Xbox hockey and football. I did beat both Ryan and Tyler in the sports trivia game I bought them for Christmas. That makes up for me sucking at the Xbox games. Them Friday around 11am I drove out to Port Dover. The weather was very good for January. It was around 10C and grey skies but Bob and a couple buddies drove their bikes. It started off a little slow but after lunch there were thousands of people wandering the streets and probably 1000 bikes if not more. They had tents set up in the park with Bikers selling their stuff like t-shirts and hats and there were a couple Hells Angels booths selling support stuff. I walked around for the first bit on my own and then met up with Bob and walked around some more. I picked up a patch and a pin to put on my denim jkt. The following are some pictures from the day and there are one or two pictures for non bike loving people. I also got a couple shots of Bob on his bike.

Meet Heather Ireland my future wife !!!

THE END Thanks Heather !!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Update on Dad

I think most of you know that Dad/Papa went to see the chemo Dr. today. Dad/Papa has lost 5 pounds in the last week. He hadn't been feeling well and had been taking more (trips to the pool to drop the kids off) than usual. He was eating a small breakfast and almost no lunch and then very little supper. He had some tea biscuits at snack time and tried my Toberarone Chocolate bar but thought it was too sweet...more for me LOL. Saying that I think I found Dad's 5 pounds he lost. Anyways Dad/Papa starts Chemo next week ond Wed jan. 18th. He will go every 3 weeks. The Dr said that his appitite should improve, he shouldn't lose any more weight or very little, it should also help with the pain. He was also given 3 more pills to take along with the dozen or so he already takes every day. Dad/Papa still has the Chemo treatment every 28 days but eventually both the treatment and the therapy will be on the same day so only one long day at the Cancer clinic instead of 2. There is not supposed to be alot of side effects from the Chemo Therapy and the ones he might get are supposed to be mild.

I got home late from work so heading to bed. Goodnight all.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Complete Family Christmas

WOW !!! It was nice seeing the whole family all together for one day. Even all the extended members and if they pass the test they will some day become full fledge members of the Gowers. Dinner was excellent !!! Everyone I talked to enjoyed it even dad and Jean although it took alot out of dad I think. Hes been feeling poorly since. I would like to post some pictures but I have the same ones Mandy has on her site so you might as well just look at hers. Don't be affraid to leave her a comment because she likes to know when someone reads her site.

The day after the get together Bob and Annette picked me up (after promissing dad they would take good care of me) and off to a Toronto bike show we went. WOW again !! This brought back many memorries of all the shows I used to go to. Lots of bikes and babes as usual. Bob got in a line up and got a signed picture of this woman...and asked if he could get one for his son Kevin. Thanks Bob !!! Although I did end up going back when there was no line and getting another for myself and to take this picture. I also dissapeard from them to go get in another line and getting a signed program from the woman that does the American Thunder T.V. Show. As well as a picture. Here are a few more pictures of some bikes too.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Thanks for your cooperation !!!

It's business as usual tomorrow. Team Canada kicked some Russian ass tonight beating the dirty Russians 5 - 0. Jean, Joan, Dad and I were glued to the television. There was only one interuption when Robert showed up to pick up chairs for saturday at the end of the first. We gave him a beer, threw the chairs outside then locked the door behind him before the second periode started. These boys played their hearts out and tonight they are Canada's heroes !!! I like goooooooooooold !!!!

Update on dad...Dad had a pretty good day today. It was long because his Dr appointment was at 10am and they phoned Joan to pick them up around 3:30. They were 10 nurses short in the cancer clinic where dad gets his chemo treatment. Also Dad has lost another 4 pounds but on a positive note he had seconds on Lasagna tonight !! He asked Jean last night if we could have Lasagna because he was craving it and boy was he. Was good to see him eat that much.

Thanks to Annette for grabbing that cream cheese for me and dropping it off tonight. I will be making cherry cheesecake for Saturday. See you all at Rob's this weekend...29 of us !!! Also rumour has it Norm and Nancy will be dropping by for a visit that day.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Do Not Disturb !!!!!

Just a note that tomorrow (Thursday)evening while team Canada Is beating the Russians we will not be taking any visitors or answering the phone. Please refrain from bothering us between 6:00pm and 9:30pm. Friday it will be back to bussiness as usual.

Thank You
The Gowers

Monday, January 02, 2006

First post of 2006

Well I hope everyone had a good new years eve !! Although I was told I didn't look like I was enjoying myself I did have a very good evening. We went out to Club One in Bracebridge which is right above the Falls and beside the Bridge in Bracebridge. Trudy's brother is in a band and they were the entertainment for the night. The music was good even though I didn't know most of it. I have to be honest in saying that the lead singer in my mind had a very off night. The first set didn't sound too bad but the second set wasn't too good. Then in the third set they did a couple NickleBack songs and the one was ok but the other hurt my ears. I found I could concentrate on the music and block out most of the singing. Durring the NickleBack songs I watched Brad playing the Bass guitar. I thought he did a great job. He looked like he was having fun although I know he was nervous before they started playing. Karl, Trudy, Shawn, Marriane, and myself. Kris was in Quebec with Geoff and his family, Tara and John saw David Wilcox at the Key to Bala and Jodi and Maison hung out with friends.

Here are a few pictures from New Years



Brad and the band


Any chance I can get my picture taken with Marriane I will LOL