Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Update on Dad

I think most of you know that Dad/Papa went to see the chemo Dr. today. Dad/Papa has lost 5 pounds in the last week. He hadn't been feeling well and had been taking more (trips to the pool to drop the kids off) than usual. He was eating a small breakfast and almost no lunch and then very little supper. He had some tea biscuits at snack time and tried my Toberarone Chocolate bar but thought it was too sweet...more for me LOL. Saying that I think I found Dad's 5 pounds he lost. Anyways Dad/Papa starts Chemo next week ond Wed jan. 18th. He will go every 3 weeks. The Dr said that his appitite should improve, he shouldn't lose any more weight or very little, it should also help with the pain. He was also given 3 more pills to take along with the dozen or so he already takes every day. Dad/Papa still has the Chemo treatment every 28 days but eventually both the treatment and the therapy will be on the same day so only one long day at the Cancer clinic instead of 2. There is not supposed to be alot of side effects from the Chemo Therapy and the ones he might get are supposed to be mild.

I got home late from work so heading to bed. Goodnight all.


At Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update uncle Kev! Its so great having you there to let us all in on the things that are going on, and in detail!


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