Muskoka Christmas
Merry Christmas from Muskoka. Well it was a very nice Christmas morning up in Muskoka. We slept till about 8am or so. I drove up last night and got to an empty house around 11pm. Empty except for 2 cats that hated each other and I never knew about it. I went downstairs to play Xbox hockey and and all of a sudden there was fur flying everywhere. To be honest I never seen the second cat. I could hear it and saw fity (sp? cat #1) but never saw cat #2 (Ewok) I did manage to get cat #1 out of the room so I could relax and play hockey. I'm not sure how long after but the Gowers from Muskoka came home and there was Christmas cheer everywhere except for 2 un named Gowers that didn't know where their stockings were. They were sent on a mission. We chatted a while then it was time for bed but not till after I taught Geoff a lesson in NHL Xbox hockey. We turned off the lights and went to sleep awaiting Santas visit. Sometime durring the night cat #1 decided to break into the basement and terrorize cat #2. The cats were seperated again ! Back to sleep till 8am. In the morning there were full stockings and presents galore !!! Gifts were exchanged and there was nothing but happy faces to be seen. After hugs and thank yous we sat down to a Christmas brunch like youve never seen before. Eggs, bacon, sausauge, toast. hash browns french toast dish with berries and O.J. and diet coke. Can't thank you enough for the full belly I drove away with. I left around 11am which was only 12 hours but was a nice visit. Thanks to everyone for a wonderfull Christmas !!!! Here are some pictures since I had the only digital Camera.

In the second to last pic, the Muskoka girl's really look happy to be opening those gifts, especially Tara. In that last picture Jodi looks like she's ready to go back to bed and Kris looks like she has a big secret she's not telling.
Merry Christmas!!!!
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