more cat stuff
Well everyone should know I'm not really a cat person. I love my dogs and I love them big. Don't have one now but if I did he would be big. Now I'm an animal person so I don't hate cats I'd just rather a dog. I've had some pretty good cats in the past. Hey who Mickey took for me when I was moveing out west. A nice cat but kind of shy and doesn't care for dogs much. Ilean who took the drive across Canada with me and who has found a nice home with Lacie and her dad. If I had been able to keep her at Jeans I would have brought her back out west with me but I'm glad she has a good home. And now for Jack... The first 2 nights we had Jack we broght him upstairs to our room and made a nice bed on the floor for him. He slept soundly all night then we would put him on the bed and play with him in the morning. Then this morning Jack learned that he could climb onto the bed. I talked to Patty this evening after I got home from work and she hasn't been able to sleep for fear of rolling onto Jack. She puts him on the floor and he climbs right back up onto the bed. Hopefully I won't squish him when I climbrd into bed. Here are a few more pictures of our little Jack. Now tell me this cat isn't going to be spoiled rotten. Sunday we drove to Nanaimo and bought Jack a little house.

Isn't this a cute little house that any cat would love to have as its own ?
But no its not quite enough for our Jack!!

So how about this one, do you think Jack will be satisfied with this house ?
I don't think so !!

So this is what Jack ended up with a freaking kitty cat condo !!! It sits right in front of the window so when he is big enough he can sit on the perch and watch the traffic going by or the birds in the trees out front.

This is our Dr evil aka Ben when he got to meet Jack. Poor kid loves this cat but is alergic to it. I should have taken a picture of him when Patty and I got home from Nanaimo as he had been sleeping on the chair with the cat on his neck. His eyes were all red and swollen.

Now look at this picture isn't he the cutest ? He looks like a cat that needs a kitty condo.

Even when he is being bad he looks so cute. I had to hide the glasses he liked chewing on them so much. Well I'm off to bed. Wish me luck so I don't flatten the poor kitty when I climb into bed. Goodnight all !