Long Weekend
Well I got to meet my sister in-law Natalie this weekend along with her other half Peter and their little dog Hailey. They arrived Friday morning and Benny and I went to breakfast with them and Aunty Irene. We chatted and ate then came back home so they could nap as they drove most of the night to meet the early ferry. They came from Merrit which is more than a few hours away. I had to go to work and Patty was home when they woke up from their nap. I was off at 6pm and came home to eat dinner and shower so we could go to kareoke that night. I don't mind going to kareoke but Patty didn't sing and I'm not there to listen to other ppl who can't sing. Patty is a very good singer especially Patsy Cline songs and I'm not just saying that because I love her and shes my wife. I truly like her singing.
Natalie didn't get up to sing either but she and I did play some Texas holdem on the computer. First hand on a 4 dollar bet she won 12 bucks and I lost a total of 6 bucks for the night. Its part of the B.C. lottery corp and you purchase a ticket which is 2 cards for 2 dollars and if you like your 2 cards you can raise your bet before the game starts. If you beat the 4 computer players after the cards are all dealt you win some money and it depends on how many ppl across B.C. are playing and how good of a hand you beat. If you beat a pair of 4's you'll probably win a buck but if you beat 3 of a kind or a straight you will probably win much more because less ppl are likely to beat it. Peter and I ended up going out for a walk and getting some fresh air later in the evening. We talked about going golfing this weekend but never did.
Saturday morning we got up and I made breakfast for everyone. We had bacon eggs and toast. The over easy eggs turned out well but the omelets looked more like scrambled eggs and veggies but the pan I used for them isn't a good pan. I should have thrown it away long ago and I need to get a new one. Good thing it was only Patty and Ben that had that.
We sat around chatting for a while then we drove to Nainamo for a couple hours. A nice walk down by the harbour and then a trip to the mall to look around. Then Peter and Natalie took us to the White Spot restaraunt and bought us lunch. They are a nice couple and we had fun together. I think Patty spent alot of time trying to convince her sister to move to the island but I don't think it worked. Peter works in a mine 7 days a week 12 hours a day for 3 weeks and then is home for 3 weeks. He drives a huge truck down to the bottom of the mine which is a few kms underground gets a load then drives it back to the top. I believe its about an hour trip each way. I think I would feel clostraphobic in there.
Saturday evening I made some home made burgers with my very own recipe and chopped an onion and fried it on the side burner of the bbq for supper. Then after supper I did the dishes while Natalie and Patty took the dog for a good walk. We sat around that evening talking and watching some TV. Aunty Irene wanted us to go to kareoke again but we just wanted to chill.
When I woke up Sunday morning I said to Patty that I can go back to my normal obnoxious self when the leave later that day. She thought I put on a pretty good show for them because Natalie told Patty on the phone tonight that both her and Peter thought I was a good guy. If they only knew LOL. It seems like they had a good time and they were surprised how much the dog liked me cause it normaly takes a while for it to take to someone. It liked me pretty good cause before they left I was laying on the floor playing with it and it started humping my arm. Everyone got a laugh and I think they got a video or two so I might end up on you tube for all I knoe LOL.
This afternoon after they were long gone on their way home Patty and I drove to Nanaimo to meet Aunty Irene, Aunty Claire Ben some of their grand kids Aunty Irenes daughter Valarie and her husband Lance and we all went to see Shrek 3. It was a pretty good movie, as good as but not better than the other two but we all enjoyed it. There were some funny scenes with a bit of adult humour as usual but not as good as in the last 2. Now we are home and relaxed and getting ready for bed. Patty is now looking forward to getting to meet someone from my family in 2 weeks.
Natalie took some better pictures with her new camera but accidently deleted them.

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