Monday, June 26, 2017

Kamloops part 3

     So when we took that drive and almost ran out of gas this is where we were headed. "Quilchena"

This place was a lot closer to Merritt than I thought it would be. We went in and they had a buffet type brunch and since I was doing the low carb thing it was perfect for me. I had 2 platefulls of eggs, bacon, and sausages both pork and beef. I probably enjoyed it way more than the ladies with me especialy mom cause she was hoping for a burger. Sorry mom!

      After brunch we went for a walk around the property to take some photos. Its a nice old country place on the old hwy in a real quiet area. Was a beautiful day for this trip. Nice to get out. Also by now the women were over me almost running out of gas or at least they had stopped mentioning it. I thought it added some excitement to our adventure.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Kamloops part 2 of ?

       So for the last 4 years or so we have gone to Kamloops for my birthday. It works out good because I can always seem to book 2 weeks off in June. It would be harder in July and august but I could probably get 2 weeks off together in those months every 3 years. 

         One of the places I always like to get to at least once per visit is the park with the bird sanctuary. You never know what your going to see there. There are so many different birds that seem to go there. Some birds are quite inquisitive and will come in close to see you. Others like to keep there distance. They have a bench where I just sit and relax and wait for a photo op. When it comes to editing I realize I tend to take too many photos and its a bit of a pain when I'm trying to pick which ones to post. Patty and mom go off for a walk and they usually end up coming down near me and then wandering off again waiting for me to get bored and catch up. I don't usually get bored but I know they do so I eventually wander up to see where they are. They were relaxing on a bench near the water park so I talked them into letting me take a couple photos. They are both the same as they let me but then they have to check out the photos and let me know if I have to delete them or not. It was a gorgeous out and there were lots of different birds to be seen.

I was hoping to see a muskrat again this year. I saw my first one there last year.

A sign that is posted, do people not know this?

A very pretty bird but never gets too close.

A butterfly with the number 8 on its wings

Ants like you wouldn't believe I thought the ground was moving

A small hawk I noticed from moms couch!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 2017 pt1 of ?

Woke up the other morning and the first thing that popped into my head was
Holy Fuck I'm 55!!
I don't feel that old .....
Where does the time go? Can't say that time is going by fast but then again my memory is pretty bad so it could be and I just forgot.

I'm not sure if any one has noticed but I'm not on Facebook that much any more. I do pop on once in a while but so many things pop up that i missed. And it keeps getting worse because now if some one posts something you get a notice saying "did you see that Kevin posted a picture today? Be the first to comment  on it". I do have to admit that I might miss some birthdays because like I said my memory is bad and the one good thing about Facebook is it tells you when someones birthday is or in my case when it was! Sorry if I missed yours!

I did pop on a few times and saw all the birthday greetings I got. I tried to read and like every one but some I found were comments on some one else s post like on Patty's and if she didn't mention it I wouldn't have seen some of them. I also got a few phone calls and some texts that are a little more personal and nice to see some one took a bit more effort especially since every one has such busy lives. Thank You to every one from the bottom of this old heart!

Things are good out here. Still loving my job driving the Bus. There have been a couple of regulars that passed away this past winter and it was kind of sad to hear. One old woman that used to collect bottles late at night and catch my #6 because it was the last one and would ask to be dropped off in front of her house. It had been quite a while since I had seen her. The other was an older homeless gentleman named Peter. I used to get Peter on my #26 quite often. He always remembered my name and he never wanted anything from me. I had told him I would like to take him for lunch some day but he really didn't want it.  I had a young woman from UVIC stop and thank me for being so nice to him. She said some drivers weren't. I liked him and he never bothered any one. Worst thing I could say about him is he always got up too early to get ready to get him and his cart off the bus and I was always afraid he might fall. I told him I know where your getting off so don't worry. Once in a while he would drop something and bend over to pick it up as I was coming to a stop and he'd almost fall and I would say Peter wait till I stop I don't want you to fall.  One time he was getting off and a guy that was waiting for the bus to get his friend on said something kind of rude to Peter just as I was closing my door and I opened my door and said excuse me? Peter said Kevin he's  not worth it just let it be so I said OK Peter but you shouldn't have to put up with that. The Karma thing that came out of that was the guys friend or girlfriend was going into Esquimalt but I was the last bus and only went to uptown. They were late and had missed the earlier bus so she either walked or called a cab. I wasn't rude to her but I had to explain that Uptown was my last stop and I was heading back to the depot.

Well we just got back from Kamloops and visiting mom, Natalie, Peter, Donny, Michele and the girls. We have gone there in June for my birthday the last 3 years. Always have a good time! I was bugging Patty and Mom that it was time for me to start wearing shorts, black socks and sandals. Michele said she would pretend she didn't know me if I dressed like that. So of course I ran out and got black socks and was wearing them with shorts when Donny and Michele showed up. We all got a laugh then Patty told me to go get dressed. 

Sunday Mom, Patty and I headed out to go for lunch at a place called Quilchena. It was a nice drive on the old hwy and we saw lots of eagles. One thing I found out if you want to make a trip interesting and your with a couple women forget to check the gas before you leave! Half way into our trip I noticed we were running on empty. It didn't go over to well. We decided to turn back and get gas and I had to hear about it all the way to the gas station. Good thing is we didn't run out because I would have heard about it for ever! The car gets 538 kms on a full tank which is handy to know. Funny thing is I never set the trip meter but for some reason I had before we left Victoria. Yeah it's still funny to look back on but don't mention it to Patty or her mom. No sense of humor LOL

Here is a short video on the first part of that trip!
[no sound which is a good thing]