Monday, November 09, 2015

Sept 29

Bella was staying out our house so I decided to take her and Dante out for a walk. Bella loves her bubbles and I was hoping to get some nice photos. She really wasn't cooperating as every time she saw the camera she would run away. I told her she had to stay in one place and I wouldn't bug her with photos anymore. I had been in this area a few days earlier with Mary and Bailey and we had heard and seen some birds. Actually we had heard them more than seen them but we did get a glimpse. I wanted to know what kind it was but didn't have my camera so this time when I heard it I had my camera. I was able to get a few photos of two of the birds. Also while I was looking for them I kept hearing noises from the tree beside us. I slowly walked around and found a hole in a branch. There was a small bird in the hole and after it worked for a while it then flew away. I've been back a few times and the hole seems to be empty.

Northern Flickers

 Black Throated Gray Warbler
thanks to the book Adam and Mary got me on B.C. Birds

 Sweet when she wants to be Bella bubbles lol

King Dante

Sept 28

I really enjoy night time photography. Things look so different at night. Driving the bus at night i see different areas of the city and once in a while Ill go out after work and visit some of these areas and try to duplicate what i see. While learning the routes our trainer made sure we did one night shift so he could show us the difference. The number 11 route through the uplands was the one i was most concerned with. The first time I had to drive it I went out in my truck that morning to drive it and take notes. Funny thing is the mail box that you saw clearly that morning was almost invisible that night. I didn't make a wrong turn but I had to stop twice and really look and had a passenger say yeah this is where you turn. I had mentioned that I was new to this route and if I looked lost to please feel free to tell me where to go lol. I drive that route regularly now and although its easier I still really think about it. There are a lot of split rds, a lot of trees , a lot of deer and a lot of darkness.

     Speaking of  the deer, last week I had to stop my bus, honk the horn then finally open the door and stand up before this buck would move. Its rut season and I held my hands up top of my head and showed this young buck i had more points than him. When he finally moved he did not run away he walked slowly past the open door giving me a stare down. I asked if he wanted a piece of me but got no reaction. Since driving bus Ive seen so many deer. I`ve seen tiny babies feeding from their moms, I`ve seen males doing the rut thing and I even interrupted two deer doing the nasty beside the rd on the way into UVIC. He didn't seem to mind but she ran off. I bet you he would have had a piece of me if I had oppened the door.

       OK now I`m way off topic. There are no deer photos below. Only night shots that I took one night after work. There are some shots down town of the parliament building, the harbor and the Empress. Then there is a shot of Craigduroch Castle but only one with the moon behind it. Then there
are a few photos of the gate for the Uplands. Some of the nicest houses in Victoria are in here. Big houses with gates and long driveways. 

Friday, November 06, 2015

Dog walk Sept 18th

These are photos from a walk we took on September 18th and some of the friends we met

This is our Bailey girl

 Jack Jack

Bailey Girl

A friend

A friend

King Dant

photo bombed by grandma

 Jack and papa selphie