Sept 29
Bella was staying out our house so I decided to take her and Dante out for a walk. Bella loves her bubbles and I was hoping to get some nice photos. She really wasn't cooperating as every time she saw the camera she would run away. I told her she had to stay in one place and I wouldn't bug her with photos anymore. I had been in this area a few days earlier with Mary and Bailey and we had heard and seen some birds. Actually we had heard them more than seen them but we did get a glimpse. I wanted to know what kind it was but didn't have my camera so this time when I heard it I had my camera. I was able to get a few photos of two of the birds. Also while I was looking for them I kept hearing noises from the tree beside us. I slowly walked around and found a hole in a branch. There was a small bird in the hole and after it worked for a while it then flew away. I've been back a few times and the hole seems to be empty.
Northern Flickers
Black Throated Gray Warbler
thanks to the book Adam and Mary got me on B.C. Birds
Sweet when she wants to be Bella bubbles lol
King Dante
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