Merry Christmas everyone!
Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I know I did. Patty and I were up and had to make a ton of noise to get the boys up. Patty made bacon and eggs but Al doesn't like fried eggs so being it was Christmas I made him scrambled eggs. Don't expect that any other time Al.
Al got an ipod and Ben got a train set as well as other goodies in their stocking. Patty had a very Twilight Christmas with all the books and some pillow cases with the two main guys faces plastered all over them. She also got some pj's and other goodies. I got a new camera so I don't have to lug my big canon camera around with me as much. A nice Nikon coolpix camera and some other goodies including a snuggies Canuck blanket! We pretty much just lounged around the house till two pm (we meaning the guys as Patty was cleaning as usual) We then headed down to Langford to take Christmas presents that Santa had left here by mistake for Gwen and company. Gwen was sure spoiled as she should be! It was nice with all the family as well as Mary's dad and sister. The meal was awesome and I ate so much I had to have a nap then I had to bring desert home with me. Patty and I just happened to be up real early this morning so we went downstairs to have a bite and I ate my desert. Patty went back to bed and I stayed up and played hockey on the PS3 and watched some movies while picking through some junk food lying around. Then I went over to Wal-Mart and grabbed some stuff for next Christmas. Patty had a small village that she had under the tree and I picked up 3 or 4 pieces to help build the village up a little. She was quite happy with my purchases. I also bought a tub to pack them in for next Christmas.
Before Christmas Ben and I went out and got a real tree and then Patty worked her magic in decorating it. Its gotta be the nicest tree I have ever had as she did a great job. She even put my wolf decorations on seeing that our living room is full of wolf stuff. She had told me she always wanted to do a tree like this and again she did a wonderful job of decorating it. I told her not to bother with the motorcycle decorations and she said she didn't mind but I think she was relieved LOL. I've had them for quite a while and they were on last years tree so that was good enough for me.
I managed to chat with Annette and Terry briefly yesterday on line and just got off the phone with Robert. I liked that he called me as I was going to try to call him tomorrow cause I believe we should try and stay in touch more often. One day I'd like to write on here about how much I looked up to him when I was younger. I thought him and Mike lived the best life LOL. Except for the Vette I'm not sure what happened there but because of him I've always wanted a Jeep and had one briefly but the Vette wasn't him and although it got a lot of attention when he allowed me to take it to school it was like driving a tank.
Well a belated Merry Christmas to all hope you had a good one and all the best in the New Year! Now that Christmas is over I have my anniversary to look forward too. After that I'm going to start saving my money and hopefully in August we will be able to fly out to Ontario this time with Ben. I figured since the last time I was there it was for Shawn and Marriannes wedding then why shouldn't we be there around the time of the birth of their first child. Congratulations to them!!! I know they have been trying for a while and I told Terry that if Shawn needed help I would step in for him to help him out LOL. Both Terry and Patty called me a pig but hey it's family and I'd do what I had to do although I might not enjoy it....yeah right LOL. Well congrats again and hopefully we will be there when your son or daughter is born.