Quick Post
Well just a quick post to let you all know I'm still alive and Kicking. Been super busy lately with little or no time to compute.
Last friday was the wedding in Toffino. Was great we had a good time. Will post pictures soon.
Recently started working at the photo lab at the new Wal-Mart and loving it. Most of the time its not like being at work at all and the time flys. First day doing prints from film and wouldn't you know it my first roll of film has some naked pictures of a woman. Full frontal nudity that cant be printed. Today I had a few pictures of a womans boob as they were trying to get photos of the baby breast feeding. I was really hoping it wasn't Dineen as that would have been awkward LOL. Saw some more pictures and it definately was not her. Also one film I did today had a guy getting a bj and then some other photos I can't talk about or couldn't print. I also took in 4 old rolls of film of mine to practise on and had a photo of a topless biker chick from when I went to Friday the 13th in port dover. I thought they were old ones from Molson Super Cross which would be about 8 years old but they were not. I think I still have some of them around.
Heard last week that I'm getting the landlord job for the place we live in so I'm giving my notice at the Truss place. Just not happy there and the 4:30am alarm is killing me. Then I have to go to bed around 8pm if I'm not at Wally's
Lastely for now my car is down for a bit. A couple days ago I blew a fan belt and yesterday (thursday) the altenator went on it. I can't find the receipt as it would still be under warrenty. I called them today and they don't have old ones in the computer so I need the receipt or month I took it in so they can find a copy of my receipt. Hmmmmm I will have to read back on my blog as maybe I posted about it on here. Well that's it for now gotta get some shut eye. One picture as a taste of whats to come.

Congrats Mary and Adam may you both be as Happy as Patty and myself for many many years!!