Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Raining outside

Well I lead a pretty borring life especialy without a car. It's raining outside so I'm sitting at the computer checking out Lava Life. I decided to post a few pictures that I had taken my first summer on the Island. Hope you like them.

star fish 004

Star fish at low tide


Killer whales off of the south end of Vancouver Island


An eagle flys overhead

BlueRodeo 047

Barney Bentall with Blue Rodeo in Courtney

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Last visit to the mainland.

A couple weeks ago I went to visit Jodi on the mainland. I walked down to the ferry which is about a 15 minute walk. The ferry trip takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes. The ferry pulls into Horseshoe Bay which looks very nice compared to other terminals I've been too. While at Jodi's I went to the S.P.C.A. on Saturday and helped out at a yard sale/ open house. Later that night we went to a silent auction in support of the S.P.C.A. in Richmond. Sunday was a lazy day watching team Canada lose in the Gold medal round of the world cup and a walk in the rain. Jodi drove me back to the ferry terminal and I was home in time to wath the final of Survivor !

Jodi and puppy
Jodi and a pup they found with 2 broken legs.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Summer is here !!!

For the past couple days the weather has been great !! The temperature hit 30 plus and the sun has given me a nice burn on the back of my legs. I went into work today for a few hours of overtime. I'm also looking for a part time job to work in the evenings and some weekends. Not sure what I want to do or what is available but I am looking. I hope to use the extra cash to pay off my bills and get me out of debt !!

I want to wish Tara and Tyler a Happy birthday even tho it's a bit late.

I hope to update this a couple times a week and will be adding pictures as well. I have to try and figure out how to do this on my own. I'm sure there are places to read this info but I hate to read. We'll see how it goes.

Feel free to leave comments and ask me questions !!