Saturday, August 27, 2016

photos from whale watching part 1 Whales!

     I've been pretty busy lately and havent gotten around to posting pictures from my whale watching tour with captain Ron and Sea King Adventures. I go at least once a year and always use Sea King Adventures. Ron and his wife Holly have been doing this for many years. They have a fantastic safety record and the boat is never over loaded and cpt Ron knows what hes doing and talking about. I've never been dissapointed! It's so much more personal and you can move around in his boat. I'd recommend him to anyone!

     In this post Im just going to post photos of the transient Orcas we seen and the Humpbacks. I will do another post with the other sea creatures we got to see. The past couple years there have been lots of Humpback Whales. This is the first time I've seen Transient Killer Whales with CPT Ron.

     There are two types of Killer whales in our waters. The first is the Resident Killer Whales. There are about 80 of these whales spread out in 3 pods or family groups.  The pods are named J, K, and L pod. These whales live around here all year but are seen mostly during the summer months. They feed on the salmon in these waters. The 3 pods roam around separately but every once in a while they meet up and form a super pod!

     The other type of Orca or Killer Whales are called transients. These whales roam from Alaska to California in smaller groups of 3 or more. Now these whales eat seals, dolphins and even some other whales. These ones are the ones that got the name Killer whale! They look very similar to the resident whales.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

whale watching teaser

This is just a teaser from whale watching on Thursday.
Watch for more photos coming soon!


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jack and Gwen part two

     We were having lots of fun exploring and Jack was really fascinated by what we saw. Then Gwen gave him a black berry and all he kept saying was more more. Gwen was a great big sister and was getting them for him and as fast as he got them he wanted more. Because we kept walking sometimes Gwen had to do some climbing to get them and sometimes Papa would help. We had so much fun cant wait till next Tuesday to hang out with them again!!

Jack pushing Dante out of the way so he could see.

Jack and Dante checking out the cell.

A little bird resting in the heat.

Gwen trying out some of the black berries.

Jack trying to be patient waiting for his berries.

A tough climb for some berries.

Jack likes the echo.

Going into and coming out of the old tunnel Gwen found.


Starting to head home to meet grandma.

More berries please.

Coming down fast.

Not ready to leave yet.