Sunday, June 23, 2013

Congrats to Gwen and her classmates as they prepare for kindergarten in September!

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Poker and Gwen

Well hello again long time no see. Been thinking about my blog a lot lately and actually have a couple things to talk about. So here goes...

Im still going to the legion for poker night every thursday. Two weeks ago I made it to the final table and ended up in fourth place. Actually the week before that I made it to the final table but went all in on the first hand and got knocked out. This past week I took Erin who lives in our building to play poker. I got an extra thousand for bringing her. Mike, one of the regulars put a bounty on me so the person that knocked me out of the game would get a drink on him. Part way through the night when we were on break he said I hope you didnt mind when I did that but I thought it might make you play a little tighter knowing people were gunning for you and I did. Mike is a pretty good player and is usually at the final table although he wasnt this night. He gives me pointers and I find I play better the more I listen to him. One thing he told me was its a little mistake if you fold a winning hand and its a huge mistake if you keep putting in chips and lose with a bad hand. It did make me fold a pair of kings when a little old lady made a big bet on the river card and I just couldnt figure out what she might have and folded only to find out she had a pair of twos. My old way of playing I would have gone all in but being at the final table makes you think a little more and play a little safer. I find i play my cards and dont read what others might have unless someone says oh someone might have caught a straight or flush then i sit back and think about my play more. Look forward to game night every week.

Well papa is getting him some Gwennie time now. Two days a week I get to watch her. Last week is was just Monday because Mary had to go to Gwen's new school for meet and greet getting ready for kindergarten. I was out walking Dante when she showed up and she was ready for a hike. she likes to mountain climb and we have a great spot right next door. We were probably gone for about an hour and a half and we had been all over the park. She would lead and say come on papa its ok you can do it. At one point she lead us down a dead end and I said come on we gotta go this way i'll lead. We start walking and Gwen passes me and says your too old to lead papa. what could i say? I let her lead again.

We went inside and then we had to go see my boss. We then went to the grocery store to get some goodies to go on a picnic. Of course we were going back to the top of the mountain for our picnic and we couldnt take the path. It was a great day to be outside!