Thursday, October 28, 2010

I heard they were making a movie in town so I decided to take a walk with my camera. When I got down to where they were shooting everyone was just sitting around with nothing happening. I walked around and found a small cafe and had a bite to eat. As I was leaving I saw a truck pull up and 3 or 4 people go up to it. It took a moment before I could see who it was. So I took a few photos. As I got closer I could here him and it was definitely John Boy Walton! He seemed very friendly but they were in a rush to start shooting again so they hurried him across the street to the set. One woman was like a stalker and didn't want to let go of his coat but he seem to take it very well. A production assistant came over to see who I was shooting for. Said my camera stood out to everyone working on the movie. When I told her she said just don't shoot ant of the filming and I told her I had no video so no worries. I hung around for a bit and shot some of the things on the street not normally their. Richard did pop out for a few minutes to have a laugh with one of the production assistants but whe he went back in I had to head home and get ready for Wal Mart. They have one more day in Duncan then off to Victoria for a few days then they should be done.

It's going to be a Hallmark made for TV movie about a small town fighting against big box stores moving in. The jeep is the main characters vehicle in the movie.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A couple Sundays ago Patty and I went down to Langford to meet up with Mary and Gwen. We then drove over to the university where they were holding a walk to support the fight against breast cancer. There are a few people in our lives who have either gone through this battle or are just starting their battle against breast cancer. Cancer is getting all too common in our lives and someone has to do something to stop this. A few years ago everyone knew someone that had been touched in one way or another by cancer. Today almost everyone you talk to has a close friend or relative that is battling, has beaten or has lost a battle against some form of cancer.My only pet peeve is that every week there is a fund raiser for one type of cancer or another. I think they need to start pooling the money and get this thing done! There should be money to help find a cure for cancer and then some money to help the families going through cancer. I have to say that the people in the cancer clinic dad was dealing with were very good. Not everyone has heard about it or they don't have coverage to help them. Just recently I heard about the clinic on the island to help men with prostate cancer and what they are doing to get the word out about early detection because that is the best way to win the battle is to get it discovered as early as possible. I raised money for them as well this past summer. I know in these times it's difficult to support all these events and even I am going through a cash flow crunch and won't be able to do much money wise for them but you can volunteer to help out at the events they run.

Well that's my soapbox speech for today and I know most people understand this and have helped out sponsoring me and others. I just had to do my small part to make people aware of this.

Some of the pictures are not as clear as I would have liked but I was using my small pocket camera and we were always moving with the crowd.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Gobble gobble everyone!!

Well it's been a while again since I last posted. I've seen the visitor numbers dropping steadily and I don't blame you. I hate going to sites that are not updated on a regular basis.

It's hard to post updates when nothing new or exciting has happened. Boring you is just as bad as not posting but at the risk of boring you I thought I better make a post.

Since we got back from Ontario there really hasn't been anything exciting going on. I no longer work at Vic Truss. I'm glad cause Marty the boss is an asshole. I had a nice chat with the owner and he said there was always an opening for me if things picked up again in the spring. He's expecting the worst fall in years and years. I told him I would consider it but after hearing things I've heard recently I'm going to talk to him and tell him I won't go back if Marty is still there. A few different employees have talked to me at Wal Mart and has said how Marty talked behind my back when I wasn't there. I told them I expected it and it doesn't surprise me at all and that I would have been more worried if he hadn't. The worst thing was that on the Monday after our Ontario trip Marty called to tell me it was slow for a bit and he would call me Thursday to let me know whats up. Never heard from him for 5 weeks. But apparently on the Tuesday after he talked to me he offered another sawyer my job and a dollar raise. A whole 15 dollars an hour to put up with a lot of shit and have extra pressure and duties on you. Oh well he can have it! I had actually given my keys to that sawyer before I went on holidays and told him I didn't want them back! GOOD LUCK!!!!

Another thing that is happening right now is that we are waiting to find out if we have to move come January 1st. The unit we live in was sold. I hadn't told anyone but we had put an offer in and it wasn't accepted. So now its a waiting game but we are going to start packing up what we don't need. Patty and I had started cleaning up the basement (mostly Patty) to clean out un needed or un wanted things we had piled up down there. It gave Ben a lot more room to make a mess. We are going to try and find a place close by so I can still look after the town houses. I don't want to rush and buy a place I want to rent and try to save up some extra money for a down payment.

Well since things come in 3 here is the 3rd bad news. Although I don't think the first thing is bad and the second thing could work out better in the long run.

Adam and Mary are looking at moving to Kelowna. Mary can get a job doing what she is doing now at another university and Adam believes he will have better options/opportunities for work over there as well. We only get over that way once a year so we won't see Gwen as often as we do now but they have to do what they think is best for their family and finances. We wish them luck !

Today is going to be a good Thanksgiving because we will have Patty's 3 boys, 2 daughter in-laws and Gwen here today. The turkey is in the oven the potatoes are peeled and the pumpkin pie is in the fridge. Ben is the only one that has to work today. He recently started at McDonalds and so far he seems to like it. Actually he likes the money cause he spends more time at trying to figure out how much he makes than actually working lol.

Well I'm going to end it here because Ben is patiently waiting to get on here to talk to a girl. Hope everyone has a very Happy Thanks Giving and eats too much turkey!!! I know I will!!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!