Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The 3 little B's

     Every once in a while we get to look after Ben and Bree's little brats. I mean our 3 awesome grand kids. They are usually very good kids but once in a while they are a handful. If the weather is nice they like to go to the park right beside the building. There are many trails through the bush and lots of rocks to climb. All 3 of them are hams for the camera. When grandmas not with us they get to do a little more. Papa is a little more easy going and even if its a little dangerous at least i can get a good photo.

     Bella is a very smart girl, sometimes a little too smart. She always has ideas and loves to pose and ham it up in front of the camera. On this excursion she decided they should recreate their parents wedding that was held in this park. First Brylea and Brenton had a turn then Bella and Brenton. we then did some posing on the Cairn. Then we went rock climbing. Brenton is a little dare devil. Hes not scared of anything! He loves his sisters and especially Bella. Shes good with him and will take his hand on these walks. Dante loves these walks too!

     Next it was off to rock climbing and some jumping off rocks. I would mostly follow behind Brenton but the one time I decided to get above to take photos he decided to have a little tumble. I have never moved so quick! Luckily he tumbled back but caught himself and didn't fall off or bang anything. Thank gawd or Papa would have never heard the end of it. No harm no foul I always say! Grandma still gave me a little piece of her mind to try and warn me from doing anything like that again. And believe me I haven't.....yet lol The last time they were here or at least the girls the weather was terrible. Well as usual here are some photos I will share.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

       On Friday Oct 15th it was my Oldest Grand daughters birthday. I was working so could not attend a dinner which my wife went to. On Saturday the 16th I went for a trail ride with My Grand Daughter, her best friend and her parents. It had been quite a while since I had ridden and for the most part it was enjoyable. A little over half way the old age cramps started coming on and my knees and hips were getting pretty sore. When we got back to the stable the woman told me I could dismount now. Problem was I couldn't! I had to work my right foot out of the stirrup then lean forward and lay on the horn to slowly lift my right leg over the horse. I then slowly slid off the left side then had to pull my left leg out of the stirrup. I held onto the saddle as not to fall. Was so glad to be on the ground. My horse named Blue was an awesome animal and I truly enjoyed riding her. She was easy to control and other than pooping at least 3 times, peeing once and stopping to grab a bite to eat every chance she got, she was a good girl.


         Saturday night was spent on the couch where I fell fast to sleep after dinner. My wife tried to wake me up for bed but I wasn't moving. Around 12:30 I finally woke up and rolled off the couch onto the floor then worked my way to a standing position. I stopped in the kitchen on the way to bed for some pills for aches and pains. Sunday I was stiff when I woke up but once I got moving most of the pain was gone.   I remember thinking Saturday night never again but by tonight I'm thinking hmmmm maybe next year lol. Getting old sucks but then in a couple days I wont remember and will think how great it was and how much fun. Ok enough chatter here are some photos. If I can trim down some video I will post it too.

Me and Blue!