Merry Christmas!!!
Well it's 11:00pm Christmas eve and Dante and I are just finishing up our wrapping. Its a mild night with no snow in sight. Not even on Mount Prevost just over a ways. Last night we went down to Mary, Adam and Gwen's for a non traditional Christmas dinner.We had manacote with potatoes and salad and veggies. The dinner was excellent and the desert just as special. Nina made a delicious banana bread with chocolate chips or should I say Nina and Al, and Mary made bread pudding which sounded gross to me but was very delicious as well.
After dinner we went out to the living room and rested our bellies while Patty and Mary cleaned up. Gwen was so excited to be able to open some presents. Patty and I want to thank every one for our gifts.
On the drive home I wasn't feeling to well so Patty took over when we dropped Al and Nina off. I went from chills to a high fever which finally broke during the night. I also had a bleeding nose or two. Patty had a touch of a cold a few days ago and I thought I was catching that. Ben woke up sick this morning and when I got home from work he had a high fever. I did throw up at work today but felt better afterwards so stayed till the end of my shift.
Tonight we just vegged out in the living room and watched Scrooged which if you know me you know its one of my fav Christmas movies of all time! All 3 of us are sick and we are supposed to go to a family Christmas dinner tomorrow at Lance and Val's place. I hope we are all up to it but I don't want to pass this on to anyone else.
I've seen some posts on facebook talking about Family that has passed. This time of year brings up those memories and although you want to think about all the good times the hurt and pain from missing them always comes to the front of our thoughts. a couple weeks ago I found some old pictures I scanned and thought I would share.
I also want to take this time to wish everyone a merry Christmas and I do mean everyone. Happy holidays and all the best in the new year!!!

This next photo isn't a great shot of mom hopefully I have another better one I will come across eventually but its the gown she is wearing that brings back memories!