Fall Colours
I'm surprised no one has been bugging me for a new post. usually by now I have gotten a few hints to update. I could upload 100's of football photos because I'm at a game almost every weekend. Even my wife enjoys those NOT! LOL. I'm trying to remember Saturday but because of the rain not much going on. I did make a trip to Victoria for a football game and for the most part the rain stopped or it was just drizzling. I managed to take around 500 shots if anyone is interested?
Sunday was a lazy day as Ben and Patty were not feeling well. We were supposed to go for lunch with Aunty Irene and Uncle Jim but they canceled on us. They were or at least Aunty Irene was having a lazy day. We ended up going to the Rock Cod for lunch anyways. My mouth starts to water just thinking about that place so I was game. Then we came home and Patty decided to lay on the couch to have a nap because of her headache. Not much I can do for her except give her piece and quiet so I went for a drive to see if we have fall colours out here. Well it was kind of dark and cloudy and I was hand holding the camera so the depth of field is shallow in most of the shots. I drove along the ocean stopping once or twice then headed towards Mount Prevost but didn't see much and didn't feel like going up the mountain. On my way home I saw some real nice colours in the cemetary so I stopped and visited Uncle Don's grave and wandererd down to Joannes but there is no stone but I think I found it. I was there with Aunt Glady's once. I also walked around and took pictures and looked at some of the old stones.
It was funny how peaceful it was and it got me thinking back to when I first got out here after dad passed away. I had a breakdown and my Dr sent me to a councilor a couple times. On my last visit he told me that since I like to take photos I might like going to old cemetary's and taking pictures of old stones. I thought it was wierd and a little creepy but now I'm thinking not so much. I did take one photo of a stone of someone who was born in 1962 and passed away in 1969. There were 2 cute teddy bears, little bean ones sitting on the corner of the stone and they looked fairly new. I wasn't going to post it but maybe I will now. I may get some more fall colour pictures this week but my concentration is for the first playoff game for the VI RAiders who went 10 and 0 this year. There are a lot of newer players and only a handfull of players from the Raiders first year which I was very much a part of. They will all be graduating and moving on to bigger and better things although some won't be in football. Good luck to them all!

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