Sunday Drive
Another long week is over and the weekend was here. Saturday we slept in and then decided to go to the Rock Cod for Lunch. Albert was at work so just Patty and I went. A great meal as usual. Patty likes her Halibut grilled and I get mine done is an almond batter mmm mmm mmm. Cow Bay was busy as usual the population must more than double on weekends. And being on the island its year round the place is busy not like tourist places in Ontario where summer is the busiest. After lunch we took a drive to the new Winners store. The new mall is coming along good and stores like Winners, London Drugs and the Jean Warehouse really going to make this town better. We wont have to go to Victoria or Nanaimo to shop anymore.
Sunday Patty and I jumped in the car and went for a drive. We went to a small place called Crofton. I had heard of it but had never been there before. Patty and I took a walk along the beach where she found some interesting rocks and I found some interesting photo ops. We ran into a mother and daughter from our complex on the beach. Seems to be a popular place to go for walks.
We then drove up to Nanaimo and stopped at Ysks one of Patty's favorite stores. We browsed around checking out all the new stuff then headed to Swiss Chalet for lunch. We decided to go to Neck point a place Patty and I frequented when we first met. The weather was great for a walk and judging by the full parking lot lots of people thought the same thing. We wandered around holding hands and chatting and stopped to stare out at the ocean and take a couple pictures. We did see a seal that looked like he was sneaking up on a fishing boat. The fishermen hate them because they hide close to the boat and will come up and steal your fish just as your about to land it. Since I don't fish I like the seals and think they are smart although I've heard some fishermen carry guns and shoot them although its illegal.
All in all it was a nice day in paradise!

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