Thursday, August 20, 2009

Something for Patty

Well Patty is away baby sitting Gwen and I wanted to do something nice for her. We have a small fenced in area outside that's full of crap and Patty has wished we could use it more. Yesterday Ben and I cleaned all the crap out and built a small 8x8 deck inside the area. I went looking for a small patio set but no such luck. There is a nice covered swing at Wal-Mart but I decided I will let Patty pick out something for that area. Just in time for Annettes visit in 2 more days.

Weather has been great! Above normal the last couple days. No rain in the forecast for a bit although we need it. Rain doesn't get in the way much out here after all its just water. Sucks working in it but well it just plain sucks working LOL. Patty will be home tonight and Ben will show her what we did. Maybe I'll wake her up when I get home so she can thank me woo hoo! Been working extra hours lately but going to come home on time tonight. Saws been acting up and its not fun especially when you stay longer to fight with it. I need my sleep and getting home at 2am and up by 9am is not quite enough. Well off to put the last board on the deck and get rid of the pop cans.


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