story to follow....
Sunday we went down to Langford so I could see Gwen. It had been a few weeks and Mary needed a baby sitter so we stepped up. My god she has gotten bigger and more beautiful since I last seen her. Shes getting tons of teeth and is crawling around like crazy. She had taken her first step in Kamloops with Mammasitta but now shes at home she prefers to walk behind her shopping cart. Won't be long before shes running all over the place having grandma chasing her. We played a couple hours and I fed her the bottle then grandma put her down for her nap. Ben and I took a walk then after we got home we had a bbq. Gwen was crawling all over her uncle Ben you could tell she really likes him. She didn't cry at me that's a first lol. Normally it takes 10 - 15 minutes to warm up but not this time. I can't wait till Annette gets here so I can show my granddaughter off to her. Don't worry Annette I've drawn up an itinerary and was even thoughtful enough to add in 10 minute pee breaks. Hope your an early riser but if not don't worry one of us will get you up. When whale watching you can decide if you want to take a pee break in the porta potty or you have to hold it for 3 hours. Al's girlfriend from Finland arrives tomorrow and they will probably be going whale watching with us. Ben will probably want to tag along but he will have to pay for himself. Well thats all for now but I'll add some pictures from the walk Ben and I took tomorrow.

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