Busy busy....
I just seem to get busier and busier every week. With the town houses we had one person move out and one person evicted. The guy being evicted came off as very under standing and thanked me for being so nice to him. Then after I got the keys to his place and went in and had a look I realized he is full of B.S.!! I don't know how someone could live like they did. Mom dad and 2 young kids. There was dog crap all over the upstairs, the floors were disgusting, the fridge and stove were disgusting, the walls are filthy and the pile of crap in the basement.....well lets just say its not good when you get 50 garbage bags of crap and 8 loads to take to the dump. Ben, Patty, Myra (a friend)and myself have been very busy. Patty has been going crazy working over there and has the place almost painted. Ben is counting the money he's making and has a different idea of what to buy every day. Someone should have reported these people and I can't believe the kids aren't sick!

I'm looking into taking a course which should help us in getting a job in Victoria next spring.
Monday was BC day and is a stat holiday so Ben and I decided to go whale watching. Its been over a year since we last went. The guy I normally use had to pull his boat out of the water to fix it so they put us on another boat and gave us a fantastic price. The captain and his sidekick were very nice but the boat was too big and had too many people on it. 24 passengers. It was a nice riding boat and was very fast. We spent 3 hours out near Sooke watching the whales before stopping at Race Rock to check out some seals. Before we went into the inner harbour where you have to slow right down the Captain decided to show us what the boat could do by doing some S turns and some doughnuts. Wow what a ride. I was holding on too tight to take pictures. The sun was shining at it was a warm day, too bad Patty was working or she could have gone with us. Nah she doesn't like the water and I don't think she would have enjoyed the last part of the boat ride. Can't wait till Annette gets here so we can go whale watching again. Its a tough life but someone has to do it LOL.

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