It's been a while since I've posted a blog and I've had some news to share for the past week but just didn't have time to sit down and write it out. Got a call from my boss today saying no work for the rest of the week so I now have time.
First off I've got some sad news. Our cat Bart who has been missing the last 4 days is no longer with us. A neighbor spotted a cat lying on the side of the road up near Wal Mart today that sounded like it could be him. After I drove Ben to work I drove by to take a look. I'm pretty sure it was him although I kept trying to leave an opening that it may not be him. After I told Patty about him I was very sure it was him.
When we got him from the SPCA he was a very skittish cat that like to keep to himself. Then one day while we were out he and Jack escaped through an open window and once Bart got the taste of the free world he was gone. Jack being my gay cat came when I called him. Bart was out for over 2 months and was seen quite often but kept away from people. Then one day when I was leaving for work he was outside so I left the door open and in he came. He still loved to get out side but had become people tolerant. The last couple weeks he had been overly friendly and would climb on me when I got home from work even if one of the other cats were on my lap. About 4 days ago Bart went missing. He always came home for a meal every day but we hadn't seen him for a few days. I had talked to a few neighbors and they were keeping an eye out for him. Well at least we know now what happened. RIP Bart!!

Now on to some good news. Patty, Ben and I will be in Ontario for 2 weeks come the middle of August. We should be there for when Shawn and Marrianne have their little one. That would really make the trip! Ben wants to do all the stuff we did when Patty and I had went but I'm sorry I'm not sharing a heart shaped tub with him in Niagara Falls!! We will also be there for Friday the 13th and will be in Port Dover for that!! And we will be in Huntsville to visit Patty's aunt and uncle again. Ben and I may shoot over to the wolf place one day and Patty will visit with her family. Still a lot of details to go over and plan! If someone has a car they are not using that would be greatly appreciated but if not we will try and rent one from rent a wreck. We will be going to African Lion Safari just so you know!! I called and left a message with Jean so we can try and hook up with her for a visit! Would love to see Rick and Michelle as well! Hopefully Robs not working nights because I'd like to stop in there on the way to or from Niagara Falls. Looking forward to seeing every one! Oh and if we have time I'd like to see how Ilean is doing. I know I didn't mention everyone's name here but you know I love yas and looking forward to seeing you all and will probably mention you in blogs to come when we have some details worked out of when we will be at your place!
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