Gone for a walk
Saturday Patty and I went to Langford to visit Gwen, Mary, and Adam. It was going to be a nice day so we decided to go down and find a trail to do a short hike. Adam had worked late the night before so he decided to take a nap while we were gone. Mary had got a new harness to strap Gwen to her so she tried it on before we left. We found a trail that Mary and Adam had been on before and strapped Gwen in and off we went. It was a very nice day for a walk and we all enjoyed it. We ended up doing 2 smaller trails and were out for at least an hour. Hope to do a lot more of this when we move to Victoria area. Nothing yet on that but its coming I can feel it! On the hike we saw some Skunk cabbage and some fungi on trees and lots of other people and pets. After the walk we went to a small cafe for Hot chocolate and a treat. From there Patty and I took Gwen for a walk through the park in her stroller and Mary drove home. We had left our cameras in the car so couldn't take any pictures but we showed Gwen the fountain which someone had dumped soap in and it was full of bubbles and foam. I would scoop some up and let it fly and Gwen would look on with amazement. Gwen is doing very well for her age (5 months) You can sit her on the floor with a toy and she sits quite a while without toppling over or tilting. Then Mary stood her up and Gwen had her hands on the stool standing and holding herself up looking around giggling. She was a very happy baby all that day and her teething didn't seem to bother her at all but she sure does drool! Mary and I went out to the store and when we got back Patty was feeding Gwen pablum and Gwen was drinking water out of a sippy cup and she even took it out of Patty's hand and was holding it and drinking by herself! She does play strange with me for about 5 minutes or so but then she has no trouble coming to me and playing with Papa.

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