Easter at Grandma and Papa G's (the Gwen show)
Happy Easter to everyone!! Today we had all of Patty's kids and Mary and Gwen over to our house for Easter dinner. Everyone got some chocolate and lottery tickets and Gwen got spoiled rotten as usual. She was as cute as a button and was even a good sport and put on her bunny ears we got for her. She is getting so big! She is only 5 and a half months old but she sits up on her own and she will stand on her own if you lean her on something. She loves to stand. The older she gets the better it gets because you can make her smile or laugh and know its just not gas and she recognizes things and people and interacts with them. She knows Grandma so well and will smile and laugh so easy for Patty. Today she wasn't even shy with me or Albert as we both took a turn at getting down to her level to play with her. And boy can she eat!!! She loves her sweet potatoes and rice cereal and then she drinks water from a cup or sippy cup. But then she likes to wash it all down with mothers milk. Getting back to Easter Patty and Ben (mostly Patty) colored some eggs this morning, then we had an easter egg hunt which Albert started early trying to find all the good ones and dispose of them. Next we had a great meal which Patty which Patty had prepared although I did boil and mash the potatoes and Adam and Mary brought carrot cake for desert. It was a good visit without a hitch except for the bleeding welt Adam had on his head from getting shot by Ben and his airsoft gun. Boys will be boys but I told Ben that after today no more firing it in the house. It shoots little plastic pellets and seeing as the basement is so small Adam took a good one between the eyes at close range. They said they were both wearing their safety glasses which I had hollered at them to put on after I heard the guns fire. Well I hope everyone had a nice Easter like we all did today.

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