Sand Drags
Got up fairly early this morning and headed off towards Cowichan Lake which should not be confused with Cowichan Bay which is on the ocean and in the opposite direction. Every two weeks they hold motorcycle sand drags. Patty Ben and I thought we'd check it out. Wasn't sure how it was going to be because of the threat of rain but it would sprinkle a bit then stop. Then the sun would come out. The sand drags have different divisions and started off with the little kids, then intermediates then the 400cc then they jumped to the 1100cc paddle tires some with NOS and then the 600cc paddle tires some with NOS. They had one more division after that but after the 1100cc bikes my ears were ringing so bad it hurt my head. The 600cc were almost as fast being lighter and were just as noisy ... I think LOL. It was a good day, lots of fun and didn't cost too much just 12 bucks for the 3 of us. Not sure when or if we will go back soon but I'd like to go again but with ear plugs and just for the last three divisions. The only spill was in the kids races when a 4 year old lost control of his quad at the end of his run. Only thing he complained about was sand in his eyes when he did the face plant. Wrong end of the track so I didn't get any pictures although I saw it happen. Ben even joined in with the crew raking the track by jumping on the rake being towed by a truck getting rid of the ruts. Here are a few pictures. If you look close you might even notice a couple women riders. A young woman won the 600cc paddle tires division and another was third.

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