Alive and well
Just want to let everyone know that I'm alive and well. Feeling older by the minute but enjoying life. Especialy now that Jodi and Maisan are here. We've been having a great time doing many things and taking many pictures which I will share soon. Patty and Jodi have hit it off well and Patty has been trying to convince Jodi she should move here with Maisan and Norton but I've pretty much stayed out of it because I value my life and Trudy would hunt me down and kill me. There is allways room here for Jodi and Maisan and I'm sure we could fit Norton but we'd have to move because your only allowed small dogs here and he really doesn't fit in under that catagory. I popped on to do some updateing on the web sites I do but now its time to do some straitening up around here. Jodi and I were up late last night chatting and now shes still sleeping. Tomorrow I will be dropping her them off at the ferry where they will go see a friend of Maisan's before catching the plane home Wed. On the way I'll drive pass the local Salon that has a help wanted sign in the window. I won't say anything but I'll just point as we go past LOL.

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