Sunday, June 03, 2007

Jodi is in B.C. !!!

Well its true. Jodi and Maison have landed in B.C. and are staying with M's cousin. Patty Ben and myself drove down to Victoria to spend the day and met up with them by the inner harbour. We walked around a while then went back to find the car and drove to Denny's where we had supper. The meal was pretty good but the service sucked .... and I'm pretty sure our waiter did too. Both Maison and I agreed that he was a wee bit on the gay side. But thats not why the service sucked he was just bad at it. After dinner without desert because no one finished their meal we went to drop them off at the cousins. Jodi wanted us to come in and Patty was interested in seeing the inside of the place so we did. Thats when Jodi gave me the Necklace she made me useing the wolf paw print pendant. She did an amazzing job on it way better than I could have hoped for. Then she gave Patty a Muskoka sweatshirt which Patty loves and I tried to steal. Maison's cousin showed us around and took us out back to show us the garden and the chickens.

It was real nice seeing Jodi and Maison and I can't wait for them to come visit us. I have a few things planned for the weekend so it should be fun as long as the weather is good. I will post pictures after next weekend as I have asked Maison and his cousin to drop my camera off to get it cleaned so when I go to pick them up I can pick up my camera and have it for the weekend. The computer chip has dust on it and it really shows up in B&W pictures.

Well thats all for now will post more this week.