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I had to go to Nanaimo yesterday and fight with Shaw as they told me they sent me a bill and I never got it so they wouldn't hook me up till I paid cash. Went in yesterday and payed up and found out they send my bills to Terry's place in Stoney Ditch. So thats changed and I'm payed up but now its going to take till monday. This is where family comes in very handy. I called Scott who is Paul's son inlaw who just so happens works at shaw. Scott came by this morning and hooked us up and also installed a digital cable box. For now we get a whole pile of digital channels and then at the end of the month we have to decide which ones we want. We can now also get Pay per view fights from the UFC. And as an added bonus we can get the canucks games that are pay per view which Scott was telling me is pretty cool because there are no commercials so you get alot of before and after game interviews. I think its about 12 bucks for a game and you don't have to leave the house. Thanks Scott I owe ya one !!!
Now we just have to figure out how to get the router up and working. I think its a power issue as the power supply was not in the box with the router. I'm going to leave that up to Albert to figure out while I'm at work.

Today at Ben's school they had a dress up like as someone famous day and since Ben is a huge J.C. fan he went as the man in black.
Hey Ben makes a really cute Johnny Cash
What is it with Johnny Cash, doesn't appear he's the type to have the "IT" factor, but even my John likes him???
great costume and choice ben
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