To start here is a picture of just a corner of my room in the house. This is where my computer is and I'll be doing updates on the Raiders web site and also where I'll store my camera equipment and other junk.

Yesterday while in Nanaimo Patty and I purchased some items at Value Village to spruce up the spare bedroom and then went to Zellers to purchase items for the girlie bathroom upstairs. Then we were off to see the Grey Cup in Nanaimo. It wasn't very exciting for Patty but god love her shes a trooper. Scott the photographer's wife sat with us for a bit and I visited with some of the Raiders players in attendance. Talked to a couple that are thinking about comming back for one more season which was nice to hear. Patty didn't complain and I appologized after we got out of there but she said it was ok not to worry. I did take her past the mall and showed her the easiest way to get to it from the Rugby club we were at. She said we had done shopping already and shed rather spend the time with me. Wish I was working because I'd take her away for a weekend to Tofino on the west coast. Will do that once I get back to work. Nice just the two of us away from here for a day or so. She deserves it !!! Well here are a couple photos from yesterday.

I like the colour of your walls
Hi Kev sorry I havn't posted a commit on your blog latley I was off in my own little world and did not use my computer for a while. But I am back and I read all your blogs and now I am caught up on your life and I am so happy for you and how things worked out for you and Patty. I always feel like I am part of the Gower family thanks to your blog and I realy enjoy your slice of time you bring to us through your blog entrys. Hope you send me an email on day just to say hi my email address is I hope your job search will be short and I hope you find a job that you will love. My gradson Sylas turned one today and it funny cause his Mommy turned 28 today too.
Well hope to see you and Patty when you make it to Ontario have a great 2007. Bill Grixti
By the way I see you pussied out for wearing TiCat colours. Shame shame
yes would have been one of the few pics taken of a ticat jersey holding the grey cup
disappointed in the cats...trud
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