Afternoon walk
Yesterday Aunt Irene and Uncle Lloyd were taking the grandkids for a walk and asked if Ben, Albert, Patty and myself would like to go. They took all the kids to McDonalds for lunch and Patty and I met them there after we had gotten unlost. We were driving down the hwy chatting away and missed our turn off and were almost to Victoria when Patty thought it didn't look like the right area. I phoned Aunty and then phoned back to talk to Uncle Lloyd to get better directions. We finaly got there and then followed them to the spot we were going for the walk. It was a beautifull sunny day out but a little cool breeze was blowing making it feel cooler than it actually was. We walked down a closed off road and the kids were having fun climbing and running. The walk wasn't too long but at the end was a beautifull man made lake where they have a fish hatchery. On the way back we stopped at a huge puddle that had ice on it and the kids had a blast trying to break it with rocks. Even the big kids were having some fun. The cute little blob on four legs is Uncle Lloyds dog Moe.

Hey Kev...nice pictures and very nice to see you happy in a "your family" setting if you get my meaning. Congratulations amigo.
awesome pics kev
glad to see some things never change...enjoying life and what it has to offer
That almost looks like golfing weather. I like the photos with the lake reflection.
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