Out on the town
Last night for a change I didn't sit around watching American Idol. I ventured out to meet Shawn, Marrianne and her brother and his girlfriend. Sorry but I can't remember the names today so I should have done the blog when I got home last night. We met at Boston Pizza and I sat and watched them eat since I had already had supper before heading out. Marriannes brother and his girlfriend a very nice people. You can see it runs in the family. Her sister wasn't able to make it last night. We had to watch the Leaf game before the kareoke could star and to be honest it was a good game to watch even though the Leafs won. It's the second time they have won this week while my team has lost. Anyways Marrianne was the only one brave enough to get up and sing but she had to wait a long time before she got up to the mic. She did a Avril Lavigne ??? song and I must say although it was hard to hear over all the noise I thought she did a good job. The dj did end up turning it up half way through and I'm glad he did. There were alot of ppl that couldn't sing but you have to give them credit for getting up there. I told Marrianne that if she needed a partner for kareoke she should ask Karl because although he is a bit shy he can be coaxed to get up and sing once in a blue moon. The dj did a great job and Shawn said that they would like to see about getting him for their wedding...when ever that is.
Ok some news about dad and if your good a picture or two.
Dad went yesturday to get his picc and it wasn't quite like they explained it to Jean and him the day before. After they put the picc in you have to go get an exray. They were told it was in 5cm too far so it had to be pulled out 5cm and they had to go get another exray. In all they were there over 5 hours. But it's in and the nurse was in today to flush it for him. Also the thing on dads arm is now being treated as a burn and not an infection so dad has a new pill and has to put cream on his arm now.

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