Sunday was the Ride To Live Bike Run to raise money and awareness for the prostate center on Vancouver Island. This was the second time I was able to participate and the first time I had a bike for it. Problem was my bike is not on the road yet. I still enjoyed going and of course taking pictures. I try to get a shot of as many participants as I can. We started off at Steve Drane Harley Davidson and the bikes followed a route stopping to pick poker cards. I on the other hand drove straight to Sidney where I went down to the ocean before heading over to the final stop on the run. It wasn't raining but was very grey and cold close to the water. slowly but surely the bikes were coming in. The volunteers were working hard cooking food and helping the riders as they showed up. They had an auction 50/50 draw best and worse poker hand and lots of other give a ways which were nice but we were all there for the reason which was to raise money for something we all had dealt with in a positive or negative situation with a loved one. This event is to help find a cure to prostate cancer and to have many more positive outcomes with this disease. I did this in memory of my father and in the hope that me or anyone else wont lose a loved one to this disease in the future. I am booking on the calendar my next prostate exam and I hope if you haven't started getting one and your over 40 that you will look into it and book it with your Dr. in the near future. Early detection is the best way to beat this disease.

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