Well tomorrow Ben and I are heading to Vancouver to see the monster trucks at BC Place and I'd be lying if I didn't say I was as giddy as a little school girl. I've always wanted to see Grave Digger and now i get my chance. I've seen monster trucks before and even had my picture taken with one of the Big Foots in Florida. But this is Grave Digger!! He is on a tour to celebrate 30 years in the circuit. I'm taking my camera so hopefully I can get some good pictures.

Ben and I are going over early and walking around Vancouver then we will be staying overnight before heading home Sunday. We will be leaving my car in Nanaimo and busing it. I hope to get some good street shots while walking around. You know I'll be posting photos when we get back.
I'm posting some old photos I recently dug out I have quite a few so hopefully you enjoy them.

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