Lest We Forget!!
Today we went down to Langford to a remembrance day ceremony. I was going to go to the one in Duncan but Patty texted me last night and asked if I'd like to go to the Langford one. Albert was going to be marching in the ceremony so it would have more of a meaning for us.
It was raining when we got there and we waited in the car. as the crowd grew we made our way into the park. Patty and Nina found a spot to stand and I wandered around taking photos. I then went looking for a good spot to take pictures of the parade. I was lead astray as I was told they were coming down Goldstream ave but they didn't. I found out in time but was not sure where Al was in the parade and did not see him as he was on the opposite side of the road.
I took a bunch of photos of the parade then went in to find a spot to take photos of the ceremony. It's funny when you have a good camera and lens because I could go anywhere and people moved out of the way to let me closer. I was standing under a tent out of the rain with other photographers taking in the whole thing. It was a nice ceremony very touching and by the end of it the rain had stopped and the sun was coming out. It was said that the rain was tears of angels.
This is a day that we need to remember those who died fighting for us so we can live the way we do. It's only because of those brave men and women that we have our freedom. In BC it is a stat holiday which makes it easier for more people to go to ceremonies. I think Ontario should look into this.
Following is a few photos I hope you enjoy them. They are not in order just kind of random. There are more photos of Al but he doesn't like his photo published but I did it for his grandma so she can be as proud of him as his mom and wife were.

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