On Saturday I went down to Langford to pick up Ben and spend the day with him. as most of you know Ben has gone off to college and left us behind in Duncan. The plan was to go into Victoria and rent us some scooters and bomb around town all day stopping for sights and lunch. New laws in BC now make it mandatory that you have at least an N license to be able to drive them.
Our second choice was to go kayaking which Ben has done a couple times and I had tried but didn't like how tipsy the kayaks felt. We ended up getting one double seat kayak for us for a couple reasons. It is way less tipsy than the single which made me feel better and also I could rest and let Ben do most of the paddling to save my shoulder. Now if you listen to Ben he did most of the paddling which is not true. He did do more than me but that's because I was taking pictures.
We took a guided tour which was nice because they showed us where and when to cross the mouth of the harbor. Lots of boat and plane traffic so you have to know when its best to cross. Now Ben and I can go again by ourselves and won't have any problems. we went out of the Fisherman's Wharf to where it opens up into the ocean leaving the harbor. There was our guide and his buddy and Ben and I. We hung out around some rocks where they were some seals and watched one eating although we couldn't tell exactly what it was he was eating. It was just off the naval base. We came back into the harbor and over to a spot where there were some of the biggest house boats I've ever seen. Then we crossed and took the kayak back. It was a nice trip and the water was pretty calm which was good.
We left Victoria and headed back to Langford where we grabbed a bite to eat and went to the go carts. The go carts were crazy fun but Ben and I couldn't get into a good race because there were so many other carts out on the track. Ben did try to spin me out once but it didn't work because we were in a crowd and hitting them kept me straight. I guess Ben will have to try and pay me back from the last time we had gone there another time. It was a blast and Id like to do it again and maybe take Ben to the races at the speedway afterwards.
Keep up the good work at school Ben your making me and your mom very proud. 85% average so far! This week he is going to actually get to do some practical work. I know that's what hes been waiting for. Thanks again for the good time Ben gotta do it again some time!

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