Road trip by Dante Gower
Today mom and dad took me on my first road trip. I think it was a trial run for a trip we are taking next week. Dad got up early to go to Wal Mart and get some stuff for a picnic. When dad got home mom was finally up and dressed. Dad made the sandwiches then went out side to clean the cooler. Then dad went upstairs to change into his new shorts and mom packed the cooler. When dad came downstairs mom was yelling at him to hurry up. She does that a lot and it seems to slow dad down more.
We went outside and packed the car then we piled in with dad driving. We had to stop to get gas then we hit the road. I curled up in Gwen's car seat. We went through the mountains to Langford then to Sooke. Mom was wondering where it was they used to live when she was little and dad said she always wonders that and should ask her mom and aunty. It was over 30 years ago and the town has changed so much.
The first stop we made was because I threw up because mom had gave me some spicy melba toast. I really liked it but it didn't sit right in my tummy. We got out and stretched our legs and I had a drink then peed and pooed. Dad was a good boy and picked it up. We got back in the car and we were back on the road. I was surprised but glad dad didn't take pictures of me being sick or doing my business because he always has his camera with him.
Our next stop was China Beach! It's a very nice beach at the end of a long trail. We took our picnic stuff and a blanket with us. It was the first time I was on a sandy beach and I loved rolling on the sand. It was also my first time seeing the ocean and the waves coming in scared me and I kept running away from them. The water was a little cold as well. Mom liked the sand on her bare feet. We sat and had lunch then we went for a walk down the beach. I buried my food bowl in sand so no one would take it while we were gone.
It was a very nice beach but the walk back to the car was all up hill and it almost killed all 3 of us!
Photos of me and mom on the beach.

S0me photos dad took of the beach !

On the hwy to Port Renfrew we saw a bear and dad stopped to take some photos. Mom was real nervous and was yelling at dad to close the window when it came up onto the road but dad just kept taking photos. It was a big black bear for the island!

After leaving Port Renfrew dad had to stop along the road and walk back to take some photos of a river. Mom and I waited at the card and I had a drink.

It was a great trip but after the bear there really wasn't much to see. Port Refrew is a very small village in the middle of no where and unless your camping or fishing not much else to do. Mom and dad both agreed that I travel very well and should do well on the trip to Kamloops!
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