The move!
Well last weekend we were very busy helping Adam, Mary and Gwen move into their new place. They moved out of an apartment and into an attached home very close to where they were living. I forgot how much it sucks moving out of an apartment. 2 ppl were taking stuff to the elevators, 1 person was loading stuff on the elevator then unloading it in the lobby and 2 ppl were dragging the stuff down the street to the truck. It was quite a walk to where the truck had to be parked. Eventually we grabbed one of the upstairs guys to come down to help load the truck. It took forever or so it seemed. Then we drove over to the new place and backed up close to the door and the stuff just flew off the truck. The women were upstairs cleaning and packing and taking care of Gwen. After it was done I said I was starving (whats new lol) so we dicided to go to Boston Pizza for supper.
Sunday we went back down to clean out the storage area and Patty was cleaning like crazy then the other women took a car load over to the new place and started to unpack. We dropped off Adam and Mary's stuff and had a few things we had to take to Joey and Nadines over at Bear Mountain. What a beautiful area that is. I backed the big truck a long driveway up to the service elevator loading area. It only took one load. We played with their baby a bit then I dropped Adam and Ben off and took the truck back.
When I got back to the apartment I asked Patty if she would mind if I went back home because Lelaine was in a swim meet and I wanted to get some pictures. I gotta say the weather was perfect all weekend and boy is it hot now! Most of Lelaines swimming was the day before where she got 2 gold and 2 silver medals. I took lots of pictures of the team and did get a shot of Lelaine swimming but not a real good one. Freestyle is hard to judge when they are going to take a breath and then you have to hope its on your side. Lelaine waited till I switched sides then she did. I hope to be able to go to another meet and get some better shots. After that I went back to Adam and Mary's new place where most of the unpacking was done and Patty was cooking some Manacotti. mmmm mmmm mmmm was it ever good!
I discovered that Gwen likes my necklace as she was grabbing at it every chance she got. Its the wolf paw one which I had to replace the hemp necklace Jodi had made for it so I tried my luck and made my own. Jodi's had lasted quite a while but the pendant wore through eventually. When Gwen gets bigger I will make her a new hemp necklace and will give her this pendant that she wants so bad. We were trying to get her to crawl so I took the necklace off and put it on the floor in front of her. She tried so hard to get her legs moving but they just didn't co operate! I almost forgot Gwen stayed at our place Saturday night but we were all so tired we sat around a bit then all went to bed.

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